Chapter 28

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Adriano's Pov

My heart dropped as she asked that question.
her eyes scanned mine for some sort of explanation.

"Don't trust you enough yet to answer that one love" I replied in a gentle tone as memories flashed back in my mind.

"Oh come on" she tried to persuade me.

"No sorry" I stayed firm.

"Your so secretive"

"I'm in the mafia what do you expect" I tried to get back to my work.

An hour or so passed of me continuing my work and lexi wondering around my office picking up something every once in a while.
Diesel walked in swinging keys on his index finger.

"Boss I'm going to go pick some things up I'll be back soon"

"No problem I'll see you in a bit." I didn't look up to him continuing my work.

"Can lexi come?" He asked.

I looked up to see him smiling.

"I suppose" I replied slowly.

I reached into my draw and pulled out a cloth and a bottle of chloroform then threw them both to Diesel who caught them.

"Just in case" I mouthed to him.

I also pulled out Lexi's phone and handed it to her.

"Better behave princess I'm tracking you" I warned her.

"Debatable" she smiled to me before leaving my office with Diesel.

Lexi's Pov

I Left the office following Diesel out the house to where the cars were.

"Can I sit in the front?" I asked.

"If you don't try to run away that is" he replied walking round to the other side of the car.

"Your a step ahead of me" I smiled.

"Joking joking" I quickly followed before stepping in the car.

"So where are we going" I asked once he began to drive

"Just to one of our wearhouses to pick some things up" he replied.

I held my phone on my lap temped to unlock it knowing it had been cleared and only had the men's contacts.

Diesel noticed it and looked down to my phone before looking away.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing nothing" he replied changing the gear of the car

I looked out the window for most of the drive.
Diesel took a turn left into a dark tight alleyway.

I looked to him who was looking down at my phone.

"What seriously?" I asked

"Can I hold your phone?" He asked.

"Sure?" I handed him it confused.

He rolled down his window and threw it out the window laughing.


"Oh please" he stopped the cat and pulled out the chloroform.

"Adriano's an idiot for giving me this. He's only helping" he smiled.

I tried to get out the car as he poured it onto the cloth.

He put it to my face before I managed to escape.

"Night night gorgeous" he smiled before I blacked out.

Adriano's Pov

An hour or so passed as I checked my watch.

I crossed my eyebrows tapping my phone to see I had no notifications from Diesel.

I pushed away from my desk and made my way to Casimiro's office.

I opened the door to see Casi on the phone to someone.

"I'll call you back" he noticed me and hung up.

"Do you know where Diesel went?" I asked

"Not a clue boss he didn't say." He answered

"Fucks sake" I shook my head

"Has he not gone for a one night stand?" He joked

"With lexi I don't think so" I laughed.

"Pfft Goodluck to him if he's took her with him wherever he's gone"

"Hmh" I agreed before leaving his office shutting the door gently behind me.

I walked back to Liam's office walking in.

"Do you know where Diesel went?" I asked him the same question

"Sorry boss"

I rolled my eyes

"All he said was he had to go pick some things up today"

"What things" I asked

"Boxes of some sort I offered to help him but he said no he would get Lexi to"

"Bizarre" I replied before leaving his office

I walked back to my office sighing and throwing myself down into my chair.

I rang Diesels phone

"Hey boss" he picked up

"Where the fuck are you?" I asked

"Picking up boxes with Lexi there is more that I thought there would be" he answered

"How long are you going to be?"

"Not too long I don't think"

"Is Lexi behaving?" I asked

"Nope she tried to run good job you gave me that stuff"

"She's in shit when she gets back" I sighed

"what you thinking?"

"Overstimulation" I lay back in my chair lighting a cigarette.

"Agreed I'll see you when I get back boss"

"No problem" I hung up the phone going back to work.

I smiled at the thought every once in a while of Lexi being overstimulated till she was crying and begging to be released.

"I'm going to have fun with you when you get back" I muttered to myself.

I picked back up my phone to check her location and what warehouse Diesel was at.
The page wouldnt load.

"Strange" I crossed my eyebrows trying again unsuccessfully.

"Is everything lexi related fucking difficult" I stood up going to Liam's office.

I told Liam lexi's phone number as he typed it into the tracker and after a few attempts it finally loaded.


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