Chapter 19

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Adriano walked towards me and the now dead body.
I gulped remembering his exact words telling me to stay in the car. Once again I had disobeyed his orders. He had a gun in his hand, he could shoot me right now and leave me dead just like the man on the ground. He showed no fear in killing it was a casual thing to him. He made it look so simple just a pull of a trigger and that person is gone. He wouldn't be scared to do it to me after all I'm just some random chick he decided to kidnap he hadn't yet explained to me fully why he did so.

I looked into his eyes for a hint of emotion from him, his jaw was clenched and eyebrows crossed. I could tell I was in shit.

I gulped as he was now only a few feet away from me.

"Wanna tell me why the fuck you aren't in the car like I told you to?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

I looked to Diesel who was stood behind Adriano next to Liam and Casimiro.

Diesel smirked to me and waved.

Prick. I thought to myself.

"Hm?" Adriano moved himself into my view.

"Diesel" I said to him in a loud voice in hope Diesel would hear me snitching on him.

Diesel's smirk dropped from his face as Adriano spun around to face him.

"And you fucking got told to watch the car" he pointed his gun to Diesel.

"Sorry boss. I thought you needed help" he explained.

I turned my head to the side and quietly laughed to myself.

Diesel getting told off by Adriano? Yes please.
That's what he deserves.

"Something funny?" Adriano turned back to me.

"Got a joke?" His eyebrows were crossed I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"No it's just funny" i sniggered.

"Oh so you think ignoring what I say and risking your life is funny?" He asked.

"Yeah I do actually."

"You know what else would be funny?" I added.

Adriano glared and shook his head to me.

"If I ran off. Just like a big game of hide and seek" I smiled.

"You wouldn't dare" Adriano snapped to me.

"Oh but I would."

he was becoming rather annoyed and impatient with me now, I could feel the anger building up in him.

He brushed past me and sat on the bench behind the waterfall.

"Boys sit." He ordered.

The 3 men all did as they were told as if they were Adriano's puppets.

"Obedient dogs" I muttered under my breath.

"You said you would. Let's see how brave you are now huh?"

I looked to Adriano.

Was he being serious? He was about to let me run off around this big garden alone?

"Go on then. I'm giving you a head start 30 seconds then we get up."

"We?" I asked him.

"Yep all 4 of us. I could do it myself but I like things done quickly."

"Can we make a deal?" I asked.

"Depends" Adriano rubbed his chin

"If you catch me nothing happens but if you don't I get to go back home to England"

All 3 men instantly looked to Adriano.

Adriano smirked.

"You really think you have a chance? 4 muscular men against you?" He tormented

"Yes, yes I do"

"Competitive aren't you?" Diesel jumped in.

"Maybe I am or maybe I just don't want to have to look at your face ever again"

Diesel raised an eyebrow at me and smiled nastily.

I blew him a kiss mockingly.

"1 minute then we're coming for you." Adriano said.

"I'll fire my gun into the air after the minute so you know when to panic and come back to me." He smiled.

My face lit up at the fact Adriano had agreed to play this game with me. I had a chance to go back to England and back to my normal life.

I walked closer to the sunflowers so I had a slight advantage. After all, I only had 1 minute but I wasn't complaining he could've said 30 seconds or even worse no head start at all.
Then I'd have no chance against these men.
It wouldn't even be worth trying to run with no head start I'd be caught instantly.

"Good luck sweetheart" Adriano winked to me.

"Your the one who will need the luck" I said back.

All the men laughed a little knocking my confidence down a little.

"Hm I don't think so" he smiled to me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever" I said before shooting off between the two sunflowers the way I had came in.

I could hear the boys laughing among themselves and getting ready to begin the hunt for me. They were hyping themselves up. My heart was beginning to race this was fun but scary. I only had a minute to make it as far away as possible.

Change directions every once in a while instead of heading straight in one. I told myself.

The bushes were too tall to see over with flowerbeds and brick walls every so often.
It was a big place I would have to keep quiet and quick as 4 men would move fast and could be round any corner.

To my luck I had been counting ever since I began. 41 seconds. They would begin to run soon. They were fast too I reminded myself of the times I had ran away and they chased me.

I jumped over a small brick wall and trampled over some plants.

Sure hope Dominic doesn't mind that. I thought.

I stopped to decide if I wanted to go left or right.


Shit. They're coming.

I dashed left and began to sprint knowing
They were now after me and soon wouldn't be far off.
Authors note:
Ty for reading this far!
This was definitely one of my
favourite chapters I've written
So far! Let me know
what you think!

Adriano Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora