Chapter 17

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"Me?" Casimiro exclaimed looking shocked and confused.

I frowned, I was just as confused as Casi.

"Yes you. Who the fuck did you used to work for? Before me?" Adriano asked.

He seemed rather pissed off and if Casi didn't answer him he would lash out.

"Your brother" Casi answered.

Adriano's eyes widened.

"My fucking brother?"

"Yes boss" Casi gulped.

Adriano looked to me in silence for a moment.

"Come on we're going somewhere" he finally

"Where?" I asked

"my fucking brothers house." Let's go. Now. He ordered.

"Go get the boys Meet us at the car in 2 minutes."

"Yes boss" Casi said before bolting past him to find Liam and Diesel.

I stood up and walked towards him.

"Why are we going to your brothers house?" I asked

"To see if that prick had anything to do with this." He held the door open for me as I walked out.

We spent the walking Trip to the car in silence.

He opened the door and I sat in the passenger seat as the other men approached the car and climbed into the back.

Adriano spent most the time driving in silence only engaging in the conversation the men were having every now and then.

I watched him quietly, his face showed no emotion other than anger.

The car finally pulled up onto a drive of a big house, it looked similar to Adriano's house having the same shape.

"Diesel stay and watch the car just incase." He stepped out of the car.

Diesel sat back in the middle chair and folded his arms.

I looked back and gave him a smug look.

He smiled and tilted his head to me in a nasty way, I just laughed and stepped out of the car.

I followed Adriano towards the house and without warning, he kicked the door causing it to open.

"A knock would've been nice" i smiled.

"Don't have the time for a knock" he laughed back.

He charged straight into the house with me following and Casi and Liam close behind me.

We explored the house I studied all the beautiful paintings and expensive looking furniture around the house for a while till we found his brother domino sat in his office.

"Stay" Adriano pushed me back as the two men entered domino's office.

"I'll leave the door open since your can't mind your business and like to listen in on what I'm doing." He said to me leaving with a smile and joining the men in the office.

I looked into the room to see Liam and Casimiro stood either side of Adriano's brother, Dominic while Adriano was stood
Looking over his desk pointing a gun to his head.

He wouldn't actually shoot his brother? Would he? I questioned myself.

Adriano came off aggressive at times and caring at times too but something told me
He wouldn't be afraid to pull that trigger.

"Did you fucking send people to my house?" Adriano snapped.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Why would I do that to my own loving brother" Dominic had both hands raised in the air.

"Because your a prick who's always been jealous of what I've achieved. I didn't fucking want to see your face in that room but I did, so I kept my shit together and played civil. Think I'm going to fucking do that now?" He moved the gun closer to Dominic.

"Oh please, I've got nothing to be jealous of we both do the same thing for a living but we both know our parents thought I was more successful in the Mafia" he smiled.

Liam hit him.

"You fucking bring my parents up in my presence again and I'll blow your fucking brains right out your head."

I could tell Adriano was not playing at this point.

"I'll blow your brains out" Dominic repeated.

"Would you really thought? Would you really want to blow the brains of your older brother out?" He mockingly asked.

"Because your older doesn't mean anything to me"

"Aww but who saved you the night the house caught fire hm?"


Adriano shot a bullet into the painting that hung behind Dominic only just missing his head.


I could feel the tension in the room I even felt nervous myself.

"IS IT HER YOU WANT?" He asked tilting his head to the door.

"Who?" Dominic asked laughing not taking Adriano seriously.

"Lexi fucking get here" Adriano said

I walked in the room straight away, it wasn't a good idea to piss Adriano off while he had a gun in his hand.

"Ahh her" Dominic smiled when he looked me up and down.

"Well I did see her with you and just then I thought yes, that's who he wants."

"Who wants her?" He snapped.

Just then one of the windows next to him flung open, a man in black like the ones at Adriano's house stood there.

"arrivederci" Dominic smiled before running to the window and jumping out.

Adriano shot in the direction they ran.


Casi dashed to the window, following them.

Adriano ran out the way we came in.

"Go see Diesel at the car while I follow them." Liam ordered me.

"but I wanna help! I'm fast at running!" I exclaimed.

"No lexo get to the car and I know your fast the amount of times you've ran off but please just do as your told" he said before running out the window to take part in the hunt.

I sighed.

To follow.... Or to not follow....

I thought.

I stood for a moment debating and thinking of all the possible outcomes and consequences

Then, I made my decision...

Authors note:
I'm so so so sorry this chapter
took ages To come out lol, I
sorta lost motivation And had
a stressful week but it's all
good now!

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