Chapter 14

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"Oh shit not again" I said to myself.

Now would be a good time to sprint like my life depends on it. I thought to myself.
I ran along the long road my feet hurt every now and then when I stood on a small stone.

I heard a car behind me so I moved over to the side to let it pass me.

Once the car passed me I looked behind me to see how far behind Adriano was from me.

He wasn't there.

That's strange I thought to myself beginning to walk now that he wasn't in sight.

I could've sworn he was right behind me.

I kept looking back to see if he would appear but he didn't.

I took another left and that's where I saw him.

Adriano was stood only a few meters away from me with crossed eyebrows and folded arms.

"Tut tut tut" I heard him say.

"Ragazzaccia" he added.
(Translation- bad girl)

He took a few steps towards me as I spun around and tried to sprint off the way I ran in but I stopped when I saw Liam was slowly approaching me.

"Game over?" I spoke out loud to both men.

"quindi pensi che questo sia un gioco?" Liam asked me.
(Translation- so you think this is a game?)

"Don't speak Italian" I reminded him.

Adriano came closer to me.

"So you think we're playing a game?" He asked.

I kept quiet and looked to the side.

"Hm?" He tried to put his face into my view.

I turned my head further away.

"Your supposed to answer someone when they speak to you. It's how a fucking conversation works" he attempted to get a reply from me.

"You know what doesn't matter. We can talk about it at home." He gave up.

"Walk. Now" he pushed me in liam's direction.

I followed Liam back round the corner and there was a car parked on the side with Casi and Diesel sat in the front. I noticed it was the same car that I was kidnapped in.

Liam opened the door and climbed in.
Adriano walked closely behind me and opened the door other door.

"In now" he demanded.

I did as I was told and climbed into the middle with Adriano following.

"Wish you could do as your told first time more often bitch" Adriano still had his eyebrows crossed at me.

I glared at him.

"Don't look at me like that"

"Or what?" I snapped.

"I swear to fucking god if you don't behave" Adriano threatened.

"What you going to do? Drug me again?" I scoffed.

He looked at me for a moment I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"Highly considering it at this point" he Finally said.

"Not the first time." I crossed my arms.

He grabbed the cloth from his pocket and my heart dropped as I thought he was going to do it but he didn't he just stuffed it into my mouth.

Adriano Where stories live. Discover now