Chapter 16

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"Are you coming?" He asked standing up from his chair leaving his drink on the table.

"Me?" I asked.

"Unless you'd prefer to sit here alone?"

I shot up from my chair.

"No thanks not after tonight"

"That's what I thought" he began to walk towards the door.

"Diesel will look after you while we are there. He will keep you safe" he held the door open for us both.

"What?" I asked.

Diesel looked like he wanted to say the same but he knew he couldn't. It was wrong for him to talk back to his boss.

"Diesel will look after you while I deal with the men." He repeated himself slower to me making sure he was clear.

"But that's bullshit I don't need a babysitter especially not him" I pointed to Diesel.

"To make sure you don't run off and to make sure you stay safe and don't get-" he stopped himself mid sentence.

"Don't get what?" I asked.

"Nothing it doesn't matter anyways just to make sure your safe while Im dealing with them."  He changed the subject

I looked to Diesel for an answer but his face had no emotion.

Heartless bitch I thought to myself making me smirk.

We walked towards the building the gravel crunching under our feet.

"Your gravel is annoying" I broke the silence.

"Your annoying. So was your dog" diesel replied.

I stopped walking and glared at him.

Adriano noticed the stop of the sound of me walking and turned to me.

"Come on Lexi" he sighed looking at his watch.

I didn't move I just kept glaring at Diesel

"You've made your point princess let's go" he tried again.

I didn't move

Adriano walked towards me quickly and picked me up placing me over his right Shoulder and carried me to the building.

"Now before we go in" he placed me down.

"No talking unless I speak to you and no walking around"

"Also try to be civil with Diesel" he added before opening the door.

We followed him into the room, Diesel locked the door behind him.

"Go stand over there" he pointed to the wall.

I did as I was told looking towards the two men who were both tied down onto chairs.

"Casimiro go make sure she doesn't move" he ordered.

"Because I know she'll only cause a scene with Diesel" he muttered loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah I fucking would cause a scene with that
Prick" I whispered.

Casi looked down and shook his head at me overhearing what I said.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall.

Adriano stood looking down at the two men with Diesel and Liam stood behind him either side.

He stood looking down at the men for a moment before Liam was signalled to take the mask from the other intruder.

Adriano Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora