Chapter 15

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I jumped up from the bed in shock instantly running to look out the window to see if I could see what was going on out there.
I looked out to see figures holding someone I assumed to be Adriano and the men holding the intruder. They dragged him along the floor he must have been unconscious, out of my view towards a different part of the building.

I ran towards the door then tried to push them pull it open forgetting Adriano locked it on his way out. I ran to the window and after a few attempts of twisting the side handle I got it open.

I looked down to see that It wasn't too high if things went wrong and I could jump onto the car. I needed to find out who that man was and what Adriano was going to do to him.

I remembered how Adriano locked the door behind him to keep me in this room. he must have wanted me to stay for a reason I thought to myself taking a look back to the room.

I stood for a moment debating to follow or stay then I took the risk of going. I climbed out of the window and carefully dropped me onto the roof of one of the cars.

Adriano would kill me for sure if I ruined one of these I told myself being as careful as possible dropping myself to the floor.

It was dark and cold outside I tried to stay hidden from Adriano and if mr intruder had any friends with him who would surprise me.

I tried to stay quiet following the way Adriano had took the man, checking behind me every so often so I was safe.

I stopped when I reached the part of the building that they were in. I could hear them talking but couldn't make out what they were saying.

I kept crouched at the window slowly lifting up to see what was going on. I could see the man in his mask still sat on a chair with rope tied down, Adriano was stood in front of him with Casi, Diesel and Liam stood side by side
In Direction of the window but they were all watching the man.

I tried to listen as close as possible to make out what was being said but could only make out parts of it.

Adriano smiled to the three men before crossing his arms and slightly tilting his head towards the window I was looking through.

Shit! I thought to myself, he's seen me.

I shuffled away from the window and stood up then I ran towards the cars without looking behind me.

I climbed back up onto the car and pulled myself up to the window. I threw myself into the room locking the window and dived onto the bed closing my eyes tightly.

A few minutes passed then I heard the door being unlocked. I looked up to see Casimiro
Stood there with raised eyebrows.

I smiled at him.

"Next time you want to listen in on business" he came and sat on the bed next to me.

"Keep your head down" he added.

"I've been here the whole time!" I acted confused and shocked.

"Hmh" he agreed standing up.

"If you say so anyways I've got to go back and help you stay here." He Walked to the door.

I stood up to try and follow.

"Stay in your room" he spun round and snapped.

"But I-" I began.

"That's orders from the Boss" he interrupted locking the door behind him.

I sighed and sat back on my bed.

"Guess I'll use the window then" I said to myself with a smile.

I climbed back out of the window and onto the same top of the car as before. I dropped myself onto the floor yet again and made my way back to the building.

"BOO" Casi jumped out from round the side of the wall.

I screamed.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE PRICK" I yelled at him trying to hit him.

"Hey hey okay okay that's enough" he laughed at me.

"You should have seen your face" he kept laughing.

"Why would you even do that it wasn't funny" I began to get annoyed.

"What are you doing out your room?" He asked.

he got me there.

"I was interested" I replied.

"And I knew you would do it again that's why I waited" he smiled.

"Now take your interested self back inside" he ordered.

"No thanks" I replied.

He glared at me.

"Then come see Adriano and he can sort you out then"

"He won't do shit" I snapped back.

"Oh but he will" he smiled to me.

I rolled my eyes and followed him into the building.

Everyone looked towards me including the intruder who was still sat on the chair but now however had his mask off and blood coming from his nose.

Adriano looked at me for a moment then looked up to casimiro for an explanation.

"Told her to go to her room but she decided to climb out the window again as I was heading back here boss" he answered.

Adriano sighed and looked towards Liam and Diesel then back to the man in the chair.

Without warning Adriano punched the man hard in the face causing him to fall unconscious.

"Casi do one last check of the grounds incase he's got friends also lock Lexi's Window while your at it" he ordered.

Casi nodded at his order before leaving the building.

"Liam, Diesel."

Both men looked towards him.

"Tell me when he's awake" he added before pulling me out the building with him.

We walked half way in silence until Adriano spoke to me.

"Why couldn't you just stay in your room like I asked?"

"Because I wanted to see what was going on" I gulped.

"Honestly don't know what I'm going to do with you" He sighed.

"Perhaps let me go home?" I suggested.

"That's where we are now sweetheart" he smiled.

"Haha very funny" I rolled my eyes.

We entered the building and instead of going upstairs he took me to the room where I first met him.

"Though we were going to my room?" I asked as we entered the room.

"No because you can't be trusted up there" he shut the door behind him.

He walked round the table that had a tray of cups and alcohol placed on it sitting into a chair slouching back into a comfortable position.

"Sit" he pointed to the chair opposite him while making himself a drink.

I did as he said sitting back in the chair.

A few moments of him tracing his finger round the top of his glass cup that was balanced on the arm of his chair while he watched me passed.

"I'm tired" I said breaking the silence.

He glanced down to his watch then back up to me.

"it's 2:45am I'm not surprised"

Before I could say anything Diesel burst in the door.

"Boss he's awake" He exclaimed.

Adriano's face lit up.

"That's not the best part" Diesel added.

"Casimiro found his friend" he added.

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