~ Chapter 45 ~

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Sam Wilson's Perspective

Headed up the stairways, I ran into the hall and into one of the vacant offices; a shortcut Rumlow might take to get to Natasha.

I had no idea y/n was in a relationship at all, let alone an abusive one. She was always so strong and confident. Always smiling. She never let me know, I doubt anyone really knew about all this until recently.

Y/n's got some walls built up around her. And Cap is slowly getting her to take them down, thank God. I can't stand to even think about what she must've been experiencing behind them.

That being said, when I see Rumlow I'm going to give him a good kick in the balls.

"I'm on 41, headed toward the southwest stairwell," Rumlow's voice rang out as he opened the door and entered the building.

"Speak of the devil," I said under my breath as he sneaked in, armed. As soon as the door closed behind him I punched him in the back and kneed him in the stomach.

I give him all I've got before he head butts me and pushes me to the ground. My head is throbbing as I look up to see a stubble faced Rumlow looking down at me with a vein buldging out of his forehead.

"This is gonna hurt," he said and took off his vest. A gush of red can flowing out of my nose as I stood up. "There are no prisoners in HYDRA. Just order. And order comes through pain. You ready for yours?"

"Man, shut the hell up. Y/n was right, You are such a d---," I spit at him and he chuckles.

"She never complained about it." I should slap that smirk off his face.

"Because you're her Abuser. She's scared of you," I dead panned.

"She shouldn't be. I'm helping her carry all of us into a new Era. Soon she'll be brought back to the others and you'll see just how much of her true potential I brought out of her!" He yelled and got closer.

"That Wh----e wouldn't have anything to be proud of without me! She is going to be the crown jewel of HYDRA! And the world's savior!"

"Dang man," I mumble. "You take break ups pretty hard, don't you?" Rumlow threw a punch my way and I did the same, both of our fists slamming into each other's heads.

"One minute," Agent Hill's voice said in my head. Better make this beating quick then. I sweep Rumlow off his feet and he lands on the ground on his back. He kicks his feet up and stands up.

We throw punches back and forth before I swing behind him and get him in a chokehold.

He struggles for a bit before elbowing my side, causing my grip to loosen. He slips out and knocks the wind out of my lungs.

"30 seconds, Cap!" Maria calls.

"Stand by," I hear Steve groan. Y/n is silent over the radio.

The count down distracts me and Rumlow kicks my gut. I get knocked back and hear Steve get cut off on the radio. Things were turning south real quick.

"Steve, Sam, what's going on?" Y/n asked over the radio in a serious tone. Things must not be too good on her end either. Rumlow repeatedly bashes my face with his fists, leaving no room to intervine.

"You can't stop this!" He yells. "The carriers might go down! Cap might stop our Soldier! But as long as I have y/n you won't stop us!"

With each word his punches get sloppy. He finishes off his punches and I lay there in agony. He sure did know how to throw a punch, and that made me even angrier, knowing that y/n was on the receiving end of this for so long.

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