~ Chapter 27 ~

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"It's way too damn late for this," I hold my hair out of my face as I walk towards the air carriers. Standing in front of them were Natasha and Steve properly suited up and about to head out for their mission.

I haven't seen either of them all day, seeing as they were both preparing for this. Well, Natasha was probably sleeping the whole day, if I'm being honest. Which honestly sounds amazing.

As I'm walking I look over Steve's new suit. It fits him well. It's a little tight down south, but I'm not complaining. I liked the dark accents, especially the star.

As I got closer, Natasha spotted me and nudged Steve's arm. He look up and located me, a smile sneaking its way towards his face. It's like everytime I see him he's smiling. Cute.

"The amount of caffeine in my bloodstream right now," I laugh as I reach them before they take off.

"Natasha, you make sure Rogers doesn't wander off, 'kay?" Nat chuckles and nods her head.

" 'Rogers?' I thought we'd be past formalities by now," Steve laughs as he teases and I can feel myself growing flustered. Natasha smirks and makes her way towards the inside of the jet. Steve looks at me with a sassy grin, about to say something, but he gets cut off.

"Y/n!" We both turn our heads and see Rumlow dressed in his S.T.R.I.K.E uniform, all geared up, walking towards us with a happy-go-lucky grin.

When he gets over to us, he hugs me towards his side and gives me a kiss on my forehead. We get a few looks from the others around us.

"What are you doing here, babe?" He asks and I immediately smile and sway with him involuntarily.

Why was I acting like this?

"I just came by to see everyone off to the mission safely. What are you and the S.T.R.I.K.E team doing here?" I asked, unaware that S.T.R.I.K.E had anything to do with the mission at all. That part was kept out of the requests.

Rumlow squeezes me close and chuckles. "S.T.R.I.K.E has been getting involved in a lot of missions lately." He looks down at me with a smile. Actually, he barely has to look down at all but tries to make himself appear bigger.

"Well, be careful okay?" I smile and he pats my back.

"Thanks for sending me off," he gives me a quick kiss before letting me go. Passing by Steve to get to the ship, Rumlow pats him on the back. Steve looks uncomfortable about the whole situation. Nat gives Rumlow a look when he boards.

I sigh as Steve looks up at me from under his brow. Silently asking what was going on between me and Rumlow now. I shy away from his glance.

"C'mon Steve! We gotta go if we wanna get home by sunrise," Natasha called out to him. He didn't stop looking at me, but brought his head up a bit.

"You could come with us. You know that, right?" Steve saids in a sweet hushed voice. "We could use your skill to keep these 'boneheads' in line."

I laugh at his suggestion.

"You are an Avenger. You can come with us," Steve leaned closer to me and his blue eyes shined in the dark.

"Someone's gotta hold down the fort," I smile and gently push him away with my fingertips. He chuckles, but still doesn't give up.

"You did so well at the battle in New York. A few Pirates are nothing compared to that. Don't tell me you're scared?" I laugh.

"No, I eat Pirates for breakfast." Steve practically begs with his eyes. "Besides, I don't want to get in the way." Steve gives me a face and I shrug my shoulders.

"The request asked for Black Widow and Captain America. Not Office Lady." I laugh, but Steve stayed silent. He studies my features, looking for any sign I might be giving. One for help. One to leave me be. One to just stay here with me and forget everything and everyone else.

One that's making me feel small.

He finds it. He lowers his voice, trying not to scare away what he's found. An insecurity. A restraint. A problem.

"Is it because of Rumlow?" His voice was barely above a whisper, but I was still shocked. "If Rumlow weren't here, would you come with us?"

I think for a moment. Then slowly shake my head and smile.

"I just came to send you off."

"How are things with him?" His eyes are now looking through my protective walls. Desperately searching for anything wrong. Anything he can help with. There's so much he could do for me, but something covers all my needs and problems away. That same something has me spewing lies to him.

"Things are... they're getting better." He nods slowly, hanging to every word.

"I think he's finally turning around."

No I don't.

"He's really doing better. I think... I think I'll wait for him.."

Oh come on!

Steve has a flash of disappointment but quickly covers it up with a rose tinted relief.

"As long as nothing like that happens again. Come to me if it does, okay?" I nod and feel the need to hug Steve tight. As if he's about to leave and not come back. I don't though. I let Natasha call him back and wave to them as they soar away.

When I get home, I take my pills and fall into bed. It was a late night, but nothing I'm not used to. After taking the pills I feel my mind cloud and a headache take over.

Rubbing my temples as I down a bottle of water.

What is happening? Are the pills expired? Why do I still keep taking them anyways? I don't even need to.

Yet I felt inclined to do so. Like an addiction. Recently, if I missed one of my pills I'd get feelings similar to a withdrawal or something. It was driving me insane. And I keep acting weird around Rumlow.

I feel like a marionette, tied up and being fed lines to say off of a card at some crappy infomercial.

I soon fall asleep and when I wake, I'll have no recollection of these thoughts and continue to take my pills.


"Something's going on..."

"Steve, it's completely normal for Agents to be given similar missions but different objectives."

《 It's Been A While 》Steve Rogers X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat