~ Chapter 37 ~

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Steve Rogers' Perspective

After fleeing the mall, Natasha and I borrow one of the cars and are on our way to New Jersey. It's quite for the first few miles.

"Kiss me."

I still can't believe that I kissed Natasha. I don't know if y/n saw or not, but I hope she didn't. I know now isn't the greatest time but I want to make sure she knows how I feel about her. I don't want her to get any mixed signals on her end. I sure am getting a lot on mine, though.

One second she's holding my hand and the next she's calling Rumlow 'baby'. I know it's just a cover but, it still bothers me. I keep the car in line with one hand on the wheel.

"Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?" Natasha asks as we cross the New Jersey state border.

"Nazi Germany," I reply in a serious voice, still uneasy with the whole mall dilemma and S.H.I.E.L.D.

"And we're borrowing. Take your feet off the dash." Natasha gives me a look and does as told. I focus on the road, but I can still feel her looking at me.

"Alright, I have a question for you. Which you do not have to answer," she starts and I wait for her.

She smirks a bit. "I feel like, if you don't answer it though, you're kinda answering it, you know?"

"What?" This red head was testing my patience.

"Was that your first kiss since 1945?" She asks with curiosity. I sigh, not wanting to talk about this at all.

"That bad, huh?"

"I didn't say that," she chuckles.

"Well it kinda sounds like that's what your saying."

"No, I didn't. I just wondered how much practice you've had."

"Wh- you don't need practice."

"Everybody needs practice--"

"It was not my first kiss since 1945," I state, getting embarrassed. Did y/n think my kiss needed work? Jeez.

"I'm 95, I'm not dead."

"Nobody special, though?" She teases. "What about Agent Jay?~"

I stay silent for a second too long as Natasha's expression goes from joking to serious. She sits up in her seat and a smile spreads across her face.

"You are a terrible liar!" She playfully hits my steering arm, causing us to swerve a bit.

"Hey, be carefu--"

"You've kissed y/n already, haven't you?" She smirks and I do a double take between her and the road.

"I- come on. Is this really the right time to be talking about this?" I groan and readjust myself in the seat.

"Oh my god, she was the first one since the ice," Natasha says.

"Okay, fine. Yes, y/n and I did kiss. And yeah, she was the first one I kissed since the ice." I blurt out and look at Natsha. "Can we move on now?"

Natasha smirks at me and looks at the road ahead of us.

"She likes you."


"You do know that, right? You guys are practically pineing over eachother every second of the day."

"No. No, it's not like that."

"Do you like her?" I'm silent. "Steve?"

"Look, Natasha. Even if I did, she has a boyfriend--"

"Who is currently chasing you down and is kind of a dick. All I'm saying is once this is all sorted out, or even while it's still going on, you might want to shoot your shot. Just some advice from friend."

"Is that who you are?"

"If you'd like me to be, then yes." I smile at her and she does the same.

"However, I just have to warn you that there's a chance you might be in the wrong business for a 'normal' friendship."

Natasha drops the subject of y/n and we continue to drive in silence until we arrive at our destination around sunset. We step out of the car and the familiar scene brings goosebumps.

"This is it," I say closing the car door and walking up to the old camp Leigh gates.

"The file came from these coordinates."

"So did I." Natasha looks at me and I brush it aside. "Come on, we're burning daylight."

When we get closer to the location, the sun hides away and we are casted in a dark, nostalgic aura. Atleast I am.

"This is where I was trained."

"Change much?" Natasha asks as I stare at the old flag pole.

"A little." Memories of my past flood my vision as I see that skinny kid from Brooklyn just barely keeping up with the rest of the recruits. He'd stare at me and wonder how I got to where I was now. I couldn't tell him.

"This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even a radio," Natasha says looking at her device. "Whoever wrote the file must've used a router to throw people off."

As she talks I stare at one of the bunkers. "Army regulations forbids storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks."

"So?" Natasha asks as I get my shield ready.

"I know this place like the back of my hand, and this building is in the wrong place." Breaking the lock with my shield, Natasha and I enter the building and look around. She finds a light switch and illuminates an old S.H.I.E.L.D office.

We walk by the old desks covered in dust and old papers, analyzing all we can at first glance. Entering the next room we find a few photos hanging up. One of Howard Stark and one of Peggy Carter. As I look at her photos all of these feelings come rushing through my system, like a chill.

"Who's the girl?" Ignoring Natasha's query, I continue through the room. I've had enough of girl talk for one day. Looking through the dusty shelves I spot a crack in between two of them with a wind flowing through it.

Why would you need a secret office in your secret office? I think as I carefully pull the two shelves apart, revealing an elevator. Natasha pushed in a code and the elevator took us to a floor several feet underground and to another room.

"Who would've guessed."

We walked in and were surrounded by old computers that lined every wall and were stacked in rows. In the center of it was a large monitor and a keyboard.

"This can't be the data point. This technology is ancient," Natasha walked up to the main monitor and wiped the dust with her finger. She plugs the drive into a USB adaptor and the rest of the room lights up. The monitor fans started spinning as the system booted up.

"Initiate system?" A voice rang out from the computer. Natasha typed in yes and the computer started to load.

"Shall we play a game?" She smirked and then looked back at me.

"It's from a movie--"

"I know, I saw it." The pixels on the computer lined up to create the face of...

"Rogers, Steven, born 1918," the voice rang out. "Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna, born 1984."

"It's some sort of recording--"

"I am not a recording, Fraulein," the voice rang as the pixels face stared at both of us. "I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945. But I am."


"You have greatly help us, Captain. In your effort to stop us you've forced our hand. Y/n Jay was not supposed to be introduced until later on."

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