~ Chapter 24 ~

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Steve Rogers' Perspective

"Y/n that's not fair!" I laughed, currently video calling y/n and enjoying every second of her company. As I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing, she turns and then hurriedly hangs up on me.

"Sorry Steve, but I've got to go. See you later!"

"Yeah, see you soon." I didn't want her to leave, but she flashed me her cutest smile and then my screen went dark. I enjoyed y/n's company. Seeing her face light up at seemingly small things and hearing about her life was adorable. It was refreshing. Speaking of refreshing, I should probably go shower.

I end up taking a shower at around 9:47, making sure the water isn't too hot. Not too cold either, I've had my fair share of that already. I get in and as scrub my skin my mind starts to wonder...

Does y/n like spending time with me on the phone too? Or did she hang up abruptly like that because I made things awkward after the fair..?

I would spend all day with her if I could. All night too..

I shake my head and shampoo falls in my eyes.

She has a boyfriend, Steve. You can't go around thinking about her like that! Besides, you haven't been with someone like that or in anyway way in actual decades! She probably wants someone more up to date.

But, from what I'm seeing, or not seeing, Rumlow kind of sucks. And judging on how things went... I'm sure she must feel some way about me. Right?

When I get out of the shower the mirror fogs up. I wipe it down with my towel after drying myself. I slip into some shorts and put a record on to unwind before I head to bed.

I tilt my head back in my chair and let the soft tunes of Frank Sinatra sink into my dampened skin. I sigh and fiddle with my fingers. I've only ever felt this way about Peggy. But y/n is so different from Peggy.

Her beautiful complexion and her dark brown eyes are similar to that of an angel or goddess. Her curls are so gorgeous, I want to play with them for hours and hours with the way they shrink and bounce. She's funny and isn't afraid to deal with people's attitudes. She's no doubt a bold character. Peggy was too, now that I think about it. Did I have a thing for feisty women?

I let out a sigh. It wasn't this hard in 1934...

"If it's meant to be, I'll get a sign," I mumble and rest my face in my palms. Just then I hear a subtle knock at my front door. I slip on a white tee and make my way over to the door.

"Y/n?" At my doorstep was a shaking y/n Jay in a hoodie and sweatpants. She looked up at me with bags under her eyes that were overfilling with tears. It hurt me to see her like this. What brought my-- this strong independent woman to such a vulnerable state? As if reading and embarrassed by my thoughts she looked at her feet, not saying anything. Just quiet sniffles.

"Y/n is everything okay? It's really late--" I'm cut off with the saddest sob when she rushes in to embrace me. I can feel her shaking and her tears soaking my shirt. Without hesitation I guide her inside.

"I'm here to cash in my slushie favor..." She says in such a shaky voice it breaks my heart. She is still side hugging me as I guide her to my couch, making sure she is comfortable. I don't know when I took her hand in mine.

Her eyes look empty and washed over and she won't stop shaking. She's zoned out while staring at my record player. Brushing a few strands out of her face, I break the silence.

"Y/n, would you like something to eat?" She just barely moves her head to look at me. Her voice is so quiet when she responds.

"Please..?" I nod and head to the kitchen, assuring her that I'd be right back. She tried to hold onto my hand as long as she can before her own drops back down to her side.

Turning on the stove, I get the things I need to make French toast. Hopefully it'll cheer her up a little bit.

"Feel free to put a record on," I call out to her as I'm making the mixture to dip the bread in. "I have a little bit of a collection to choose from." I can hear shuffling and then a soft, calming melody.

As I'm watching the toast in the pan, I jump a bit. I felt a pair of gentle hands slither under my arms and around my waist. Y/n was hugging me from behind and had buried her face into my back.

I turned the stove off when I heard sobbing. I turned around and held her in a firm embrace. She was coming apart and I was trying my best to hold her together. I gave her a squeeze before looking down at her.

"Y/n... I know something happened... do you want to talk about it?" She doesn't move her face from my chest, but I can feel her nod. I lay my head on top of hers and we stay in each other's arms for a minute before sitting down at the table. I bring her the French toast and syrup and make her a plate before sitting across from her.

"I'm here to listen when you're ready," I smiled. She started to dig in.

"It's good. Thank you." She mumbles between bites. I nod, silently waiting for her to open up. She's always so strong and bold everytime I see her. She is the definition of a.. what's it called? Girl Boss. As the music floats above us, I reach out and hold y/n's hand across the table.

I wonder if this has anything to do with Rumlow...


"Is it okay if I stay the night..? I don't want to go back..."

"Absolutely. Feel free to take a shower if you'd like."

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