~ Chapter 29 ~

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My leg starts shaking out of nervousness. What did Rumlow need to say to me? Did I mess up? And please tell me I'm completely wrong about what is in that box.

Rumlow's cold eyes look at me like I'm a prize in a claw machine. He's focused on snatching me in his claws and guiding me into his hands. Never to let me go again...

Or atleast, that's what it seems like.

"Things are getting real busy lately," Rumlow starts. I laugh.

"Tell me about it." Rumlow looks at me. I should've stayed quite.

"I'm going to." He squeezes my hand and continues. "The S.T.R.I.K.E division has been getting a lot of risky tasks. It's getting dangerous everywhere and I just want you to stay safe. With the both of us being in charge of such dangerous fields I can't help but worry about you. 'S one of the reasons I come by to see you so often."

I nod and smile, intrigued on what he has to say. I still don't say anything though.

"However, soon I won't be able to. I'll be too busy with my assignments. So," he looks me in the eyes. "I've set up some rules to ensure your safety."

"Rules?" He nods.

"Yeah. Rules. I know you've got your own little system in that brain of yours," he taps my forehead and my mind goes blank for a second. When I recollect myself he smiles at me.

"But, let's just forget about your personal rules for a bit, okay?" I look at him confused. Personal rules? I've never had those before...

"What 'personal rules?' " I ask, having no recollection of having set any rules for myself. Rumlow smiles.

"Good." Leaving me perplexed, he goes on to list the rules I'm to follow:

1. Curfew

"With all of the craziness about to happen-- that is happening-- I want you to be home around 8pm at the latest. Weekends and weekdays. It would be even better if you just come straight home after work. Okay?"

"Alright." I nod.

2. Pills

"3 times a day. Remember to take them."

"Why?" Curiosity got the best of me. Rumlow sighed.

"Because, things are going to get pretty stressful with all of the work and worries. It'll ruin your looks. Take them. I'll know when you haven't."

I dont say anything. Just nod.

3. Work

"I know that your job is extremely important to you and that you have a very important role. But, just because you are the head of the Avenegrs doesn't mean you have to be the one marching head on into danger. I want you to stay as far away from any potential threats, got it?"


"That means missions, too. Just stay in your office and fill out your papers. Like you told Steve, they'll call for the Avengers, not the 'Office Lady.' "

I nod. Rumlow rubs my thumb, preparing me for what he is about to say. Funny how he always seems to open a wound or create a new one when we have our "talks."

"Y/n, baby, I know you want to make your brother proud..." The mention of my brother makes my breathing hitch. "But you're going to need to let it go. He's gone and he took his dream with him. There is no play hero anymore. This is serious. It's time to leave that delusion."

I can feel my old scars start to itch and bleed. How dare he talk about Coby that way. He doesn't even know him! That son of a....

"Okay," I shakily reply. My emotions were bursting. It was a mistake to share anything with Rumlow. He'll only use my trust against me.

4. Keeping My Distance

Rumlow nudges my foot under the table and I straighten out.

"I love you, y/n. I've told you countless times and I hope you've felt that I've showed you. I mean, I don't see you complaining about our nights," he teases and let's out a laugh. I don't laugh.

"Because I value you so much, I want to keep you all to myself. And I've seen how others look at you in public and even at work." He pauses.

"Specifically, Steve. He's been lingering around you since you've brought him back so he can get settled. But now he's leeching off of you and I feel like you're being held back because of it."

I nod. I want to snatch my hand away but something is holding it there. Nailed to the table. It's painful, but it's not Rumlow. Not physically.

"I want you to reach your full potential. That's one of the reasons I've stuck with you for so long. But Steve is ruining all of the progress I've made." I tilt my head at his statement. Noticing his mistake, Rumlow clicks his tongue.

"The progress we've made. Look, Point being is Steve is holding you down and I want you to distance yourself from him. You don't need to completely shut him out-- though that would be best-- just stay away from him. Okay?"


He releases my hand and leans back in his chair.

"Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about us." He takes the velvet box in his hands. I want to run. He looks in my eyes, not with love, but satisfaction.

"I value you so much. You've changed my life in ways you can't even comprehend. And I love you for that."

"I love you too," I say what I'm programmed to do. That's what it feels like. Rumlow opens the box.

"I want to keep you for as long as I can, so I have this for you." Rumlow pulls out a silver necklace with a lock pendant. Relief floods through my system as I touch the cold metal that lays in his hands.

I lean forward and he puts it on me. The heaviness of the necklace catches me off guard. Must be real.

"Thank you."

"As long as you keep that on, I'll always be with you." He smiles, plants a kiss on my forehead, and leaves me at the table. I twist the metal in-between my fingers as I watch him leave with a smile taped over my scowl. When he leaves, the smile does not fade but the clouded emotions do.

"Burn in hell, Brock Rumlow."


"I had no idea. I'm not being informed about S.H.I.E.L.D activities anymore..."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, it happened just recently. I'll ask Fury to talk about it in his meeting."

"Meeting? With who?"

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