~ Chapter 18 ~

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We ran to the police officers cluttered in the streets. Steve leaps onto the forgotten car infront of them, startling them a bit. He orders them to clear streets and issue an evacuation as I rummage through their cop car, getting yelled at a few times.

"Why should we take orders from you?" The cop questioned as two Chitauri soldiers crept to Steve's side. He took the one on his left out as I fired at the right one, the bullet firing right over the cops head. When the Chitauri are down, the cops look back between Steve and me. Panting, I answer their question.

"Because he's Captain fucking America." I motion my head for him to move on and we run into action, I can hear the cops voices fading as they follow Steve's orders.

I run through the streets with Steve, waving people to the subways and away from the danger. I look up and see Tony dealing with a Chitauri whale, knocking building debris onto the streets below. I dodge the debris and contact Tony.

"What are you doing?" I exclaim out of breath. As I do, the whale turns its attention to Tony.

"Getting it's attention, Y/n." The whale turns to Tony, advancing. "Uhh... what was step two?" I sigh.

"Regroup!" I yell at Tony and Steve simultaneously. We meet up with Clint and Natasha, aiding them as Tony deals with those from above.

"Step two," I take out a Chitauti and steal its staff, twirling it before stomping it to the ground. "Is to regroup. We need Thor and Dr. Banner." Suddenly, the Chitauri coming our way are electrocuted as Thor plummets from the sky, hammer in hand.

"Was just talking about you," I say as Steve walks up to him.

"What's the status upstairs?" The two discuss the situation, and I can't help but admire Steve's leadership. It was cute to see his brows furrow when taking action, contemplating the next move like this whole charade was a simple game of chess.

"Y/n," he turned his head towards me and I jumped. His eyes were so strong and confident, as if he knew I could handle whatever he would ask me to.

Rumlow's eyes always looked at me with incompetence and hesitation.

"Are you alright to carry on? Or do we need to take you with to the evacuation centers to get looked at?"

"Huh? I already told you, Steve. I'm a big girl, I can handle this." His eyebrows relaxed slightly as I mentally slap myself.

I'm a big girl? Honestly, how embarrassing!

"Thor's right. We gotta deals with these guys first before we head for the cube." Tony's voice snaps me back into focus.,

"How do we do this?"

"As a team." Steve steps up and starts to give orders. As he begins to break down our game plan, he is interrupted by a faint motor.

"Dr. Banner?" Bruce hops off and shyly walks towards us, gazing at the chaos that is currently unfolding. He looks over each of us and give an awkward smile.

"Where have you've been?" I questioned as he brushed the back of his nape.

"I kinda crashed for bit, but uh," he looked around. "Seems like things didn't unfold very well. This all seems... terrible."

"Stark, we got him." Steve contacted Stark as Banner apologized to Natasha.

"Tell Banner to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." With that, we see Tony flying towards us with a huge whale behind him, crashing through buildings.

"I don't see how that's a party..." Natasha sighed as I chuckled.

"Doctor," I called out, drawing his attention from the "party" to my determined smirk. "It's time to go green."

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