Beverly Larimore-Moore:

Beverly Larimore-Moore:

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Melinda Moore-Collins:

Melinda Moore-Collins:

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"Wow.....That's.....crazy." Mel muttered, in complete awe.

"You know Algeria is damn near next to Morocco." Derrick pointed out.

"What a coinkey-dink." Mel hummed.

"I don't believe in coincidences." Derrick noted, digging into his food. His words having Mel thinking all throughout dinner. Past showers and a sleeping child. Sitting up in bed on her tablet as Derrick finally joined her.

"What are you looking at?" He yawned out, getting comfortable in his bed.

"My eyes came from my Algerian side. Yet, the way my hair grows thicker instead of longer. Is a Congolese trait....something about an excess of biotin in my body. This is just so cool." Mel gushed, Derrick chuckled plucking the tablet from her hand. Before she stayed up all night researching. Giving him a pout one look from him had her fight dwindling.

"Good girl." He hummed, setting the tablet on his end table. Cutting off the lamps he pulled Mel into his chest.

"Do you think Grey eyes are dominant or recessive?" She randomly blurted into the night.

"Recessive." He answered.

"You, Nana, and Pops have colored eyes, so is it dominant or recessive in your family?"

"Dominant actually, light brown is the recessive gene in our family." He answered, Mel hummed.

"But Niyah's are Grey. Guess she just got lucky."

"Mhmm, so our next baby will either have Grey, Hazel, or Brown." He muttered, his voice growing deeper with sleep. She frowned into the darkness at that. Her stomach clenching at the thought of experiencing that pain again.

"Fix your face." He tossed out into the darkness, followed by a deep chuckle.

"Good to see you again Melinda. How was the trip?" It was good, Derrick has finally agreed to move. Dean really pulled through for me. I owe him one. "That's great news Melinda. How did he manage that?" Showing him free land in Jersey. He was already sketching before we left the lot. "Well it sounds to me like that's a good thing. So why did you mark emergency on your chart?" Derrick wants another BABY! "And I take it that's not what you want?" Who wants to do that shit more than once!?! PSYCHOS that's who. "What's the root of this animosity? Let's talk it through." What's there to talk about? I don't want one.

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