Kourtney just shrugged. "That's what happens when you fall in love at five."

"Ok, seriously, enough. Now, how has your dating life been?" Kourtney let out a long sigh. "That bad, eh?"

"It's been... interesting. I don't think anything is going to come of this one."

"You've gone on quite a few dates with this guy though."

"I know, but there's... there's just nothing there. He's very sweet and all, but... he tells the same stories every - single- time," she said, moving her head as if she were hitting it against a wall. "I always ask him something, and there's just nothing new."

Kourtney has been on a few dates with people she's worked with, but all of them so far have not turned out too well (as in none have led to anything long-term).

"I still think that one red-haired woman was the best," Nini said.

"I know; I know," Kourtney groaned.

"Do you, uh... do you ever, you know... think about him?" she asked delicately.

Kourtney gave her a pointed look. "Now, you know not every love story is like yours and Ricky's, right?"

Nini chortled and smiled a little. "No, I know that. That has nothing to do with my question though."

"Eh, sometimes," she shrugged. "Not all that much anymore though. He moved to California years ago. What's the point?" The mood turned dark and awkward for a moment before Kourtney said, "Ok, anyway, what are you guys planning on doing?"

Nini could obviously tell she was only saying that to change the subject but decided to not push her any further. "I, uh... I don't know." She looked away for a moment while thinking about that whole... interaction.

"Look... I know that this probably isn't the best time to say this," Ricky began, "but... is the offer of a date... still on the table?" he asked hopefully with gleaming eyes. He was rocking back and forth on his feet, looking adorable as usual.

Nini didn't know what to say at first; they haven't talked about this in so long. "Um... yeah. Yeah, it is."

Ricky's grin widened. "Really?"

Nini nodded, her smile mirroring his. "I don't see why not. What do you want to do?"

"Um, I don't know. I just want to spend some time with you... just the two of us."

"I'd like that... a lot."

"Me too."


"Well, are you busy... tomorrow?"

Nini swallowed nervously. "Uh, no. That works."

"Great. I'll pick you up around... six?"

"Mhm, sounds good." What did I just agree to? They hugged one last time before he walked to the car and joined Nia and Noah.

"He didn't say," Nini told Kourtney. "Just that he wanted the two of us alone."

"Oooh," she said in a sing-song voice. "Sounds like Bowen's got a plan."

Nini's face turned a deep red. "Get your head out of the gutter. He does not-"

"It's not my fault that that was the wording."

"Well, your interpretation is wrong."

"Hey, remember when you and Ricky used to deny that you two liked each other then ended up being each other's first-?"

"Kourtney!" she scolded. "Sometimes I think I tell you too much."

"I was just going to say kiss. Chill," she laughed.

"Anyway, what do I do?"

"You've been on dates before in your life."

"Yeah, but I haven't been this nervous since I was like... a teenager."

"This is literally no different... except just twenty years in the future."

"Yeah, totally the same thing," Nini said sarcastically.

"Well, all I know is that I'm doing your makeup."

"I appreciate it, but we're not doing anything fancy."

"First off, makeup is not strictly used for 'fancy' occasions. Secondly, if you don't know what you're doing, then how do you know what you want to look like?"

"I just don't want to overdo it." A notification dropped down from the top of her phone, which slightly scared her. "It's him."

"What is?"

"I just got a text from him."

"Well, what does it say?"

"This feels like high school all over again," she grumbled. Nini opened the text and read it out loud: "'How does Olive Garden sound?'" She felt a little better.

"Perfect," Kourtney commented. "It's a fairly casual restaurant, and you two can simply catch up some."

"Yeah, I'll say yes."

Nini began typing, but Kourtney cut her off. "You're gonna answer straight away?"

"No, we're not doing that thing of purposefully waiting a few minutes before responding." I've always thought that that rule was stupid.

" I've always thought that that rule was stupid

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

That little comment made her heart flutter. "Olive Garden at six tomorrow," Nini told Kourtney.

"And what are you gonna tell the twins?"

"That it's a girls' night. I don't want to tell them and have them make any assumptions." She remembered how Ricky would get his hopes up when his mom and dad were getting along only for it to be ruined shortly after; she didn't want her kids thinking something if she were to tell them they were going on a date.

"Yeah, that works," Kourtney said.

"And you don't have to do my makeup; I'll just do something light."

"Suit yourself then."

"But... you wanna help me find something to wear?"

Kourtney smiled and clapped. "Yes!" she cheered. "Flip this camera around, and let's take a look. Since it's a little on the informal side, this shouldn't be too hard."

"You know this is happening tomorrow, right?"

"Never too early to start. Besides, I've got nothing better to do."

Nini was smiling ear to ear just thinking about how this date could play out. Let's hope for the best here.


This popped up the other day:

I love this! And the Vuuugle water bottle too!

(The clip is from season one, most likely the day [or at least around the time] they shot the I love you scene.)

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