Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Nineteen minutes later, Bella was in her inspection pose in her Master's playroom. To herself, she was reciting the submissive's prayer to get into the right mindset. This was their first official weekend as Dominant/submissive. She couldn't help but be a little nervous, but not because she was afraid Edward would break the limits they had set forth. No, she was nervous because it had been a long time since she had been in a signed, committed relationship.

After finishing her prayer, she evaluated her position, making sure it was perfect. She inhaled in a deep breath and exhaled, allowing the calmness of being in a playroom to wrap around her. Her Master hadn't come in the room yet, though she expected he was testing her and she would not fail at such a simple task.

Edward removed his jacket and decided against changing into his worn jeans he liked to wear in the playroom. Although they had a limited amount of time, he had a plan for what they would do. He finally wanted to put his collar around her neck. At first he had wanted a collaring ceremony, but with everything that had been occuring, he knew Isabella needed the symbol of their commitment sooner.

Before leaving his room, he took the collar from its box and slipped it into his pocket. He walked to the playroom and shut the door behind him. Edward looked at the spot where the pillow had been placed for Isabella, and found her in the inspection position, just as he had instructed. The sheer kimono had fallen off her shoulders and circled her hips. Her head was bowed and her perfect breasts were bare with her nipples hard, waiting for him to do with them as he pleased.

He walked around her, taking in every inch of her skin. She was perfection and he couldn't help but smile knowing she was his. Coming around her until he was directly in front of her, he stopped and waited. The anticipation of what would come pulsed between them. "Are you ready to serve me?" he asked.

Bella went to open her mouth, then stopped herself. He had not given her permission to answer.

Edward reached out and stroked her head. "Very good, my pet, you may answer."

"Yes, Master, this submissive is ready to serve you."

"Raise your face and look at me," he commanded.

Without a second of delay, she raised her face and looked into his piercing green eyes. Her heart raced with the knowledge of who he was to her. He was her husband, her lover, the future father of her children, and in this moment he was her Master.

Edward pulled the heavy platinum chain with the diamond pendant from his pocket. "Will you accept this collar as a symbol of your submission to me, knowing I take it as a precious gift and will never break the trust you have placed in me as your Master? You may answer."

"Yes, Master," she answered, her voice strong and even.

Edward walked behind her, moved her long hair to the side and slipped the necklace around her neck. Using the special key, he fastened the special lock he had commissioned. When he was finished he bent down and placed a kiss on the back of her neck, making her shiver. He chuckled as he straightened back up and walked back in front of her. The sight of his collar around her delicate neck made his cock extend from hard to titanium. "Thank me for allowing you to wear my collar by sucking my cock."

Bella licked her lips and reached out, unbuckled his belt, undid the button, and unzipped the zipper, taking care not to snag it on his plunging cock. Grasping the waistband of his pants, she pulled them down enough to gain access. Leaning forward she licked the bead of cum which escaped his engorged tip, damn she loved the taste of him. She opened her mouth and took as much of his length as she could. Bobbing her head, pulling his cock deeper into her mouth and down her throat. The first two times she gagged, but she finally relaxed and his thickness slid further down her throat.

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