Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

After a wonderful lunch, Edward was leaning against a large elm tree with Bella's head laying on his lap. He was running his fingers through her long hair. The picnic had been a hit as well as the baseball game. Everyone was still laughing that Rose had hit a home run, while Emmett struck out every time he came up to bat.

"Edward," Billy said, as he walked up. "How is it going?"

Pulling from all the control he had in him, Edward looked up and gave Billy a smile. "Billy, we are great. Did the meeting go well this morning? Is there anything I need to know?"

Bella hadn't moved as Edward spoke to Billy, but they had talked about this. Sitting up, Bella moved to Edward's side, where he cradled his arm around her. As she looked up, she saw Billy undressing her with his eyes. It made her skin crawl, but she needed to remain strong.

Billy knew she wouldn't say anything. Damn, now he just needed to find a way to get her alone. His new client had warned him to keep his hands to himself, but she looked too delicious not to sample.

Rage was bubbling in Edward as he watched the ludicrous look on Billy's face as he stared at Bella. He wanted to jump to his feet and beat the hell out of him. As he looked past him, he saw Felix and Demetri, the extra two bodyguards, making their way to them. Edward needed to get Billy's attention, so the guard could get closer without being detected.

"Billy," he said and waited for him to stop staring at Bella. "Billy." he said again, but he still was staring. "BILLY!

"Yeah," Billy answered, his dick hard with the thoughts of Bella's sweet cunt.

"Make sure to forward me the notes from the meeting."

"What meeting?" Billy asked.

"The meeting this morning," Edward answered, giving him an inquisitive look.

"Oh, yeah, I will do that when I get back to the office," Billy said. Fuck, he had forgotten he had told Edward about the meeting. Unlike most attorneys, who had multiple clients, he was lucky to be only Edward's private attorney.

A voice yelled out. "HEADS UP!"

Billy turned just as a frisbee came flying and smacked him right in the nose. "SHIT!" he screamed as he grabbed his nose. Blood squirted out and down his white shirt.

Felix ran over. "Sorry, man," he said with a thick New Jersey accent.

Holding his nose, Billy raised his head to give the asshole a piece of his mind. He was going to find out the name of mother fucker and he was going to sue. "What the fuck?" he groaned, as he opened his eyes. He didn't see a face, he instead saw a massive chest. Taking a swallow, he continued up the chest, up the broad shoulders, to the thick neck, and finally to the guy's face. Billy considered himself a big man, yet this man made him feel like a munchkin.

"Billy, you need to go get your nose looked at," Edward said, putting on his best concerned face, even though he was laughing inside. This was just the beginning of Billy Black's downfall.

"You think it could be broken?" he mumbled, holding the bridge of nose as blood still dripped out.

Edward twisted his head from side to side. "I'm no doctor, but it looks broken."

"Fuck, I need to call my plastic surgeon. I only had a face lift two months ago," Billy said as he reached for his phone and began walking towards the parking lot.

Once he was out of hearing, Edward stood up and shook Felix's hand. "That was perfect."

"It is what we do, sir. We needed to get closer without allowing the suspect to realize what or who we are," Felix said, then looked down at Bella. "I hope you weren't too worried, miss."

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