Chapter Sixteen

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Edward slipped out of the bed several hours before the sun rose. He knew Bella usually got up at five to go for her run, but he needed a few minutes to himself to think. With soft steps, he left the room, closing the door and headed downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. Maggie and Richard wouldn't be getting up for another two hours. It wasn't as if he couldn't make coffee. It was the fact that Maggie fussed at him for dirtying up "her" kitchen. He clicked on the light which was over the island, instead of the harsh overhead light. As he looked around the space, he spotted the single cup coffee maker sitting next to the fancy, almost impossible to understand coffee maker. Today he needed a dark roast espresso pod from the carousel, popping it into the holder and pushed start. Moments later, he had a steaming cup of coffee and strolled toward the den. Once seated in the oversized leather chair, he turned on the lamp. He took a drink and allowed the hot liquid to seep through his tired body. His mind was trying to figure out what was wrong with Bella.

Yesterday's adventure had shaken Edward and as restless as Bella slept last night, it had shaken her as well. Once they were on shore, EMTs met them and gave them a check over. Unbelievably, the only injury was their cousin Bree, who sprained her wrist as they were tossed about.

After everyone had checked out, the guests staying on the compound went to their rooms, where Esme arranged for dinner to be delivered to each of them. Billy, Edward's attorney, was the only guest not staying on the compound. While he had an early meeting, he advised Edward he would join the group for the picnic in the Esplanade Park. When they made it back to the house, Maggie had thought ahead and had made homemade pizzas. Emmett and Rose were reserved during dinner, the weight of the day on their minds. A search would begin tomorrow to see if PrimaRose survived the storm, even though it was very unlikely.

When dinner was over, Emmett and Rose said goodnight and went off to their room, hand in hand. Edward took Bella by the hand and they ascended the stairs to their bedroom. Once inside the room, Bella gave Edward a smile, even though it didn't reach her eyes.

"I'm going to take a quick shower," she announced.

"Okay," Edward replied. "Do you want some company?"

Breathing deep she gave his hand a squeeze. "I need a few minutes alone."

"Oh. Is there something wrong?" he asked, worry painted on his face.

She shook her head, giving him another half-hearted smile before releasing his hand. Once she walked into the bathroom, Edward sat down on the bed and replayed the day to figure out what had made Bella sink into a shell. However, he couldn't think of anything which would make her change so much. Deep in his thoughts, he didn't hear her come out of the bathroom until he felt the bed move. As he looked back towards her, he saw she was dressed in a pale pink nightgown and her hair was braided down her back. She was a vision, yet when he glanced at her eyes, the light which was one there was gone.

"I'm going to go take a shower," he informed her and once again she gave him that half-hearted smile. Crawling up the bed, he places a soft kiss on her lips. "I won't be long."

Moving off the bed, he headed into the bathroom, removed all his clothes, and stepped into the shower. Standing under the showerhead, he was surrounded by her lingering scent. There was something wrong, but he would have to wait until she was ready to talk. After a quick wash, he got out, dried off, and pulled on a pair of sleep pants. Turning off the lights, he went back into the bedroom and found Bella lying on her side facing away from him with her lamp off. Well shit, he had hoped they could cuddle for a while and maybe talk. Climbing in on his side, he cut his lamp off. He would not allow her completely to close herself off to him. Turning so he was facing her back, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest. "Goodnight, my heart," he muttered in her hair.

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