Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

After their session in the playroom, Edward removed the leather collar and prepared Bella a relaxing bubble bath. Aftercare was necessary and essential, giving the Dominant and submissive the opportunity to talk about the scene and voice any concerns. He carefully towel-dried her delicate skin, gently applying arnica gel to her butt cheeks to soothe the punished skin. After dressing, they went downstairs for a late lunch. Emmett and Rose had already eaten and had gone into town for the afternoon. Maggie said they kept looking upstairs and whispering to each other.

When they had finished eating, they went into the theater room and put on a movie. Edward had pull with the movie industry. Many of his clients in the LA club were well-known actors, actresses, and directors. In the public eye, they may be seen as clean-cut and pure, but they were very naughty behind the doors. They were thankful for having a place where they could be who they were meant to be, so they often supplied Edward with all the new releases in a show of appreciation. After looking through the options, they decided to watch the movie based on a book. It was a heartbreaking story of love and loss.

Cuddled up together, they watched the movie. Bella cried several times, but envied how much the couple loved each other. She also fell in love with Elizabeth, the daughter of the father who lost his wife. The way the author wrote the child made Bella's ovaries quiver. Suddenly, an image of a little boy with brownish-red hair and green eyes was sleeping between her and Edward and she couldn't help but get a forlorn look on her face. Shit, what was she thinking?

"Are you okay?" Edward asked, seeing the odd expression on her face.

"Yeah, the movie is just really sad," she lied, hoping he wouldn't press the subject.

Edward studied her face and could tell there was something else, yet he didn't press the issue. Instead, he pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her lips. "It is, but I bet there will be a happy ending."

Bella couldn't help but break out into giggles.

"What are you laughing about?" Edward quizzed.

"The big bad Dominant believes in happy endings," she laughed.

Edward growled and pushed Bella back against the cushion. Looming over her, he gave her a look he used when his submissive had done something wrong. He hoped she caught on to what he was going to say. "Bella, you have been a naughty little girl. I believe you need a punishment."

Bella's breath hitched as she thought of the statement her Dominant had said. He was going to give her a punishment. Hmm, she wondered what it would be? Lost in her thoughts of the different types of punishments, until she remembered what he called her. It wasn't Isabella, but Bella. It wasn't her Dominant saying he was going to punish her, but her boyfriend, Edward. Focusing on his face, she saw him smirking. Deciding to play along with him, she placed her finger to lips and bit down on the tip. "I am sorry I was a naughty girl," she muttered, batting her eyes.

"Well, you were and I have decided what your punishment shall be," Edward advised, as he tried to keep from smiling, even though he was losing the battle.

"Will it hurt?" she asked in a childlike voice.

"It all depends," Edward answers.

"On what?"

"On how ticklish you are," he replied, then attacked her sides. She broke out in laughter, kicking her legs, twisting her torso, and shaking her head from side to side.

"Edward, please stop," she gasped in between her laughter.

"Are you going to be a good girl?"

"Yes," she answered.

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