Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Following several hours in bed making love multiple times, they pulled themselves into the shower. Innocent touches erupted into a passionate inferno, which lasted until the water in the shower ran cold. Every other statement which came out of their mouths was a declaration of their love. It was like they couldn't say it enough.

When Bella came out of the closet dressed for the picnic, Edward couldn't help but let out a low growl. She was wearing a pair of blue jean short shorts, which showed off her toned legs, an off-the-shoulder white blouse and sandals. "Are you trying to get someone killed today?"

"Do you want me to change?" Bella asked, not wanting to tempt fate. Edward was already on the edge of wanting to beat his attorney to death.

He closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "No, because you could wear a paper bag and men will still want to take you from me."

A long sigh escaped her lips as Bella nuzzled deeper into Edward's chest. "There is no one in the world I would want more than you."

"I love you," Edward declared, placing a kiss on top of her head. "We need to get going because I need to talk to the security detail and contact my investigator to look into Billy."

"Do you think they will find anything?" Bella asked, worried that Billy was going to get away with his threats.

"They are the best and well worth the money I will pay them to dig up the dirt," Edward advised, unwrapping himself from her. He reached out, took her hand, and began walking towards the door. When they arrived downstairs and went into the kitchen. Maggie turned around with a wooden spoon in her hand, met them.

"Edward Anthony Cullen, what have I told you about dirtying up my kitchen?" Maggie said, shaking the spoon.

"It was only a cup of coffee," he whined.

"Only a cup of coffee," Maggie growled. "You left the used coffee pod in the maker, you spilled sugar all over the counter, and you left the creamer out of the refrigerator. After I cleaned up your mess here, I walked in the den to find your cup on one of the Council Lawrence end tables, without a coaster. Have you forgotten how much you paid for that table? I haven't, because I thought it was the most foolish thing you had done to that point," Maggie said, throwing up her hands in frustration.

A giggle escaped Bella's lips. It was so funny how a woman who was a little over five feet tall was putting a Dominant in his place. The image of Maggie dressed in black leather carrying a pair of cuffs popped into her mind.

Edward looked down at Bella as she giggled. There is no sound sweeter than that, well, except maybe when she moaned out in ecstasy. "Is the woman I love laughing at me?"

"No," Bella said, trying her best not to laugh.

"GLORY BE, GLORY BE!!" Maggie yelled, dancing around, then rushed over to Edward as she threw her arms around him. Tears ran down her face, not because she was sad, but because she was happy. After giving him a tight squeeze, she stepped back and threw her arms around Bella. "I knew you were the one the second I laid eyes on you."

Edward couldn't help but smile at Maggie. She was finally getting what she had talked about for years. Now he couldn't wait to see his mother's face when he told her. "I'm sorry for messing up your kitchen, and I will have someone look at the coffee ring on the table. However, you can't call Esme and tell her."

This time was Maggie who whined. "WHAT? You know we have been talking about this for years."

"Please, Maggie," he pleaded, giving her his best lost puppy dog eyes. This was going to be the only time in his life he was going to tell his mother he was in love.

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