Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

She just shook her head in disbelief. Why did she need a limo, a driver, and a bodyguard just to go less than a mile? With a soft chuckle, she guessed she would have to get used to the extravagance. Because she was now Mrs. Edward Cullen. Holding out her hand, she admired her rings. Edward hadn't spent one penny on them and the thought she was wearing his grandmother's rings made them even more special. The pink diamond was flawless, and the simple gold band complemented the elegance of the ring.

"Mrs. Cullen," Sam whispered, as he stood with the back door open. They had arrived, and had surveilled the area for any potential dangers before he opened the door. He expected her to be ready to exit the vehicle, yet she looked as if she was lost in her thoughts as she held out her hand. When she didn't respond, he called out once more. "Mrs. Cullen."

Bella jumped at hearing Sam's voice. "Sorry, I haven't gotten used to answering to that yet."

"I am sure, Mrs. Cullen, that you will hear it a lot once the news of your marriage gets out," Sam said, as he helped her from the car. "No matter how crazy it gets, just remember you will always have someone close to protect you."

She had forgotten how crazy the paparazzi were when they saw Edward and her together. Other than the first time they had gone out shopping, they had been lucky to have avoided the vultures. There was no doubt Edward would do everything possible to keep her safe from them and anyone else who would want to harm her. A smile spread across her face as she thought of what he had done to the vile Billy. She couldn't wait to hear how Billy took being arrested.

"Bella," Esme called out, her arms open wide. "I love your outfit."

Closing the distance between them, Bella stepped into Esme's warm embrace. It had been a long time since she had felt the joy of a mother's hug. Rose's parents, Victoria and Royce were supportive after her parent's death. However, none of their hugs felt as calming as Esme's. She always missed her parents, but today was worse. When she had told Edward she had never imagined having a large wedding, that was true. However, she saw her parents being beside her on her big day.

Esme pulled back and when she looked at Bella, she saw the unshed tears in her eyes. "Bella, are you okay?"

"Just having a moment," Bella said, reaching up and wiping the tears which had escaped.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Esme asked.

"Yes, but after the tea. Today is about Rose."

"Honey, Rose is having two weeks of Rose Days. I want you to know I am always here for you. You have given Carlisle and I our wish, come true. We never thought Edward would fall in love. You are our miracle, and I can see in your eyes how much you love him in return. Bella, you are part of this family and I would love nothing more than to be your mother."

Her breaths became ragged as tears flowed down her face. "I would love that more than anything."

"I have always wanted daughters and now I have two," Esme said, wiping her own tears. "Now, let's go fix our faces, before the crowd arrives."

When they entered the house, Bella noticed several people had already arrived. She had hoped to be here before the first guest arrived. Esme pulled her along down a hallway and opened a closed door. They stepped inside and Bella found she was in a stunning den. It had a white couch, two comfortable looking white chairs, a unique pink and gold Victorian cabinet, pink curtains, and accents in either pink or gold. It was stylish and extremely feminine.

"This is my den. When you live in a home where you are the only female, you will need a place to get away from all the testosterone. Come, let me show you to the bathroom," Esme said, then walked to the door past the cabinet.

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