39 | Aren't you forgetting something?

Start from the beginning

The man groaned as skin hit skin. "You uneducated swine-"

The man spit then said, "I prefer Jack, actually."

Another groan and a fist hitting skin. "Maybe you'll go first," Malfoy told him. "You and your big bloody mouth."

Ginny's eyes widened. No. "Malfoy. Wait. Hold on-"

"Shut up," Pansy said, coming to stand in front of her and grabbing her chin. Her nails dug into Ginny's skin. "Draco, darling. Get it over with. I'm growing bored with this."

Ginny struggled against the bindings and Pansy's grip. "Leave Jack alone," she told them. "He's innocent here."

"It's okay," Jack said but his words sounded a bit slurred. Her heart sped up. "Just let Sharp know that I'm sorry. That I-" Another hit came. "Shit. Fuck." He spit. "Go to hell, you fucker."

"You first," Malfoy said.

Jack sucked in a breath. Ginny fought against Pansy and the chair. No. He was innocent. He had nothing to do with this. They couldn't-

The door burst open behind Pansy. A man jumped forward and raised his wand. "Expelliarmus!"

"Harry!" she cried.

A  wand clattered somewhere as Harry ran into the room. Pansy screamed, shielding her abdomen as she raised her wand as Malfoy came running around Ginny.

"Watch out!" Ginny yelled, fighting her restraints as Malfoy reached Harry and Pansy held her wand at Harry.

Ropes engulfed Malfoy, knocking him to the ground at Ginny's feet. Red light filled the room but it flashed against an invisible barrier and hit Pansy in the chest, knocking her to the floor. Ropes wrapped around her a moment later, and Harry stepped into the light before her.

Her heart caught in her throat.

"Took you long enough, Potter," Jack said then coughed.

Harry stepped towards her and caressed her cheek, mouth set in a firm line. "Are you okay?" he asked. She choked on her words but nodded. He exhaled and magicked away her bindings. He then moved around her to Jack. "Merlin's Beard. Are you okay?" 

Jack snorted. "I think he broke a rib or two. Bastard." He exhaled. "Thanks."

Ginny got out of the chains and spun around just in time for Harry to take her in his arms. Jack slid down into the chair she'd been in and groaned.

"Let me go!" Malfoy yelled. They all stared at him. "You'll pay for this, Potter!"

"Silencio," Ginny tossed over her shoulder just as she threw her arms around Harry and kissed him. Harry. Harry. Her heart could sing. For the briefest of moments, she thought she'd never see him again. Thought this was the end and they'd never have the chance to live a beautiful, unbelievable life together.

His fingers were in her hair, on her face. "I love you," he whispered against her lips. "Merlin, I love you so much."

"I love you too." She kissed him again, desperately. Needed the confirmation that he was here. He was real. God, she couldn't believe she could kiss him. What if- No, she told herself. She was alive. She couldn't think about the what-ifs.

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