chapter 10

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Alicia's pov: Me and destiny walked into 9th period, and the teacher told us we had a whole week off of school due to alot of accidents. We had free time and destiny pointed the desk infront of her for me to sit in it. I was kinda still mad at her dor her clearly lying to me in the bathroom. But my feelings changed quickly when she decided to tell me what really happened. Me and her talked all period about a whole bunch of things she was keeping from me. After a whole 42 minutes of just talking the bell rang to go home. This day was tiring and crazy. I was tired from my concussion. I couldn't wait to go home and take a nice long nap. I quickly grabbed my stuff and waved goodbye to destiny. I walked Out of the school to my bus where I could finally talk to audrianna. I walked down the long side walk and hopped up on the bus. I walked down the aisle and into my seat. All I saw was Taylor, audrianna wasn't there. I was so worried with what happened to her. ' Destiny really got her into alot of trouble.' Since audrianna wasn't here, the bus driver let Taylor sit with me on the drive home. I told her about my crazy day. We were so excited we didn't have school for a whole week. We planned a day we could hang out this week, since we're not going back to school since next Tuesday. Maybe me and her can have a sleepover. We talked about the recent Sim house me and her made. Taylor said, " we should totally play the Sims if we do have a hangout or sleepover." I reply with, " duhhh." We finally got to taylors stop and she got off. I waved to her as she walked down the bus stairs. I looked to the back of the bus and I saw audriannas brother sitting in his seat I asked him, " hey did you here what happened to audrianna." He replied with, " nope. I was kinda confused why she wasn't here but I'm not messaging my dad about it. We got to his stop so he got off. I continued to talk to Taylor until we got to her stop. We finally stopped at her house and she got off. I waved to her as she walked down the bus stairs. I looked out the window until the bus got to my house. It wasn't that long of a wait. I waved goodbye to the bus driver as I exited the stop. I went up my long driveway and went to my door. I opened it and went upstairs to my room after grabbing a snack.

Destiny's pov: I walked into 9th period with alicia. I didn't see audrianna so I assumed she was still in the office. The teacher told us we would be off for a whole week due to multiple " accidents." Therefore we had a free class period. I pointed for alicia to come sit infront of me. I felt bad about the audrianna thing so I thought it was a good idea to tell her. I say, " I'm sorry. I have something to tell you, just please don't tell anyone." Alicia shakes her head ok. I continue, " I'm the one who knocked hunter out, but he hurt me first. It was self defense I swear. And me and gavin lied and blamed it on audrianna because she was the only one who told gavin..."   Alicia looked at me shocked and said, " I won't tell anyone. But you realize how much trouble you got audrianna in... our friend in... because of your own actions. She still isn't back yet. I get you can't tell the principal now, but maybe if you would have told the truth from the start maybe the principal would understand... I mean it was self defense... right?" I looked her right in the eyes and shrugged and said, " ofcourse it was self defense. I feel like the worst friend ever. But I promise you I'm done with lying. I will only say the truth from now on. I promise." I showed alicia the pinky promise gesture and she smiled. We just started talking about random stuff after that and we were joking about random stuff. I was happy I told alicia tho, I felt like I giant weight was left off my shoulders. I decided to tell alicia about what happened with faith also. " I have to get something else of my shoulders," I say. Alicia replied with, " go ahead and spill." " well earlier today after 1st period faith took me into the bathroom and she warned me to stay away from gavin and broke my arm but I didn't listen to her because I'm not scared," I say confidently. " WHAT?! I'm going to get faith for this, you wait." I winced and look at the clock. There was only 1 minute left and the bell rang to go home. I grabbed my bookbag and went out into the hallway, noticing alicia waved at me so I waved at her back. Gavin was waiting for me like he promised. I texted my grandmother to tell her not to worry about picking me up. Hey gran, gavin finally started dating me he asked me out on a date finally. Do you mind if I go with him? Oh and also I broke my arm so I'm going to have to go to the doctors and also school has been canceled for a week due to alot of injuries today I not sure if you heard or not! I can't wait to tell you when I get home. It all has been crazy! My grandmother replied with ofcourse you can go with gavin. Have fun. Be careful. Be home my 10:30 pm or you can just hand your phone over. Got it? I will get a doctors appointment set for this weekend. Thanks for telling me and don't worry I already know about school. I can't wait to hear about your day. I turn off my phone and walk out with gavin. He already picked the restaurant for me and him to eat at. He really was excited for this.

Audrianna's pov: I knew my mom was mad she was just glaring at me silently. The principal finally said something. " Mrs Webber, do you why your here?" I shake my head no. The principal says, " Well we figured out who knocked out hunter correl." ' oh no, don't say me, don't say me, don't say me.' The principal continued, " with all our evidence we were provided we found out you did it. I was told to just let you down nicely and just give you some detentions. So for one who week you will spend lunch in detention. " " you gotta be joking me! It is not me I swear-" I say angrily. The principal said, " Now now watch your tone of voice. Also your mom is here because she is taking you home, you will not report to 9th period or go home on the bus. You will not be in school for a week anyway, because we decided to cancel school with all the injuries that's been happening today." I knew I wasn't getting out of that so I just shook my head ok. The principal continued with," I also told your mom about your leg and that you have to go to the er and I told her about your guidance counselor visit today and that you are failing in alot of you classes and she knows that you been skipping some classes all day today. You and your mom are free to go home." I'm pretty sure I didn't even have to kill myself I was going to be murdered instead by my parents. Their already disappointed in me as a person I think I just made it even worse. I walk with my mom out of his office and I hear her angrily sigh. I Grit my teeth hard. My mom angrily signs me out of school and almost rips my arm out and quickly pulls me to the car. She finally said something once we both got in. " I can't belive you are so fucking clumsy. Do you realize how much money it is to go to the er? Well guess what I don't have it. You know what we shouldn't even go, this is your punishment. You don't deserve to get your leg fixed, your just a mistake. Wait to your father hears this!" I look out the window sadly. The whole drive was scaringly silent. We finally get to my house. I got out normally while my mom got out slamming her car door angrily, shaking the car with how hard she did it. With wide eyes I waited by the door for her to unlock it. We both walked in and I went into the living room, my dad was sitting on the couch watching football. 'I'm just gonna assume my mom texted my dad about school.' My dad said, " you interrupted my TV session, what's up now?" My mom said angrily, " oh well your daughter has been a very bad girl in school. She has been failing and skipping classes and even got a few detentions and then she thinks we're the riches people in the world by breaking her leg. She doesn't deserve the er or the doctors with her actions. She is a disgrace to this family." 'Welp. I guess my mom didn't text him about it.' ' With all the stuff that happened to me in school I think I'm ready for however my dad punishes me.' My dad turned himself around in his chair and glared at me. He got up with his fists closed tightly and an angry expression on his face. He walked over to his room and I heard him pull out something from his night stand. He came out with the whip he used to use to me and my brother when we younger. He hasn't used it in awhile because me and my brother were to afraid to act up to badly. My dad came over to me and looked me in the eyes and said, " bend over." I listened to what he said. I rather not disobey my dad, not after all that happened today. He pulled up my shirt. I gritted my teeth in pain as I felt a burning sensation on my back, each time my dad beat me with the whip. I heard the bus which meant my brother was home so my dad stopped and sent me to my room. I didn't completely listen to him, before I went to my room I qent to the kitchen. I went to the kitchen cabinets where the knifes were kept. I secretly grabbed one out and put it in my sweatshirt pocket. Then I went to my dads workshop and grab some rope. I went up the stairs quickly but silently all the way up to my room. I locked the door just to make sure Noone accidentally walked in on me. It was time for me to go. I'm not meant to be anywhere, clearly the universe has been trying to tell me that all day.

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