chapter 5

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Alicia's pov: Study hall was pretty boring. I watched rylie sitting across the room with her friends. I was hoping she wouldn't come over to me. But just as I thought that she came over. She said, " Your still talking to Jonny, I heard someone say it to me earlier" I say, " yea he said not to worry about you hes my boyfriend and I trust him" rylie replys with, " yea well he's my ex who I still have a crush on... I have and idea let's take this into the girls bathroom." I say it's a deal and we asked the teacher if we could go to the bathroom and she said yes. When we got into the bathroom we got into a bad fight. We punched, kicked and pulled eachothers hair. Rylie eventually won by taking a giant punch to my head and knocking me out, cold on the ground. All I saw was black all around me. I was finally a little self concuss again enough that I heard foot steps coming into the bathroom. I felt someone pick me up and carry me to the nurses office, where I woke. By the time I woke up only the nurse was there to be seen. While she was taking care of my head, which was bleeding a little bit, I heard the bell ring. The nurse gave me a late note as I left her room to the gymnasium. I couldn't remember what happened before the nurses office. All I remembered was rylie did something to me. I had a feeling she gave me a warning about Jonny but I wasn't gonna listen to her, even if she actually kills me.

Destiny's pov: I couldn't believe my eyes to who just walked into the bathroom. It was my crush gavin! 'Could he read my mind I was just gonna text him until hunter wacked the phone out of it, maybe he knew I was in trouble?' We all stood there for a solid 5 minutes in complete utterly silence. The only thing we could hear is the silent "tap. Tap. Tap." Coming from the sinks spicket because someone didn't turn it off well enough. Gavin looked at me with fear in his eyes when he saw I had abunch of bruises and saw I wasn't making eye contact with him and that I was looking kinda sheepish. He finally opened his mouth and said, " hunter what arr you doing with my girl... huh?" " your girl she's mine, I told you I had a crush on her since kindergarten, you can't just steal her away like you do every girl with your hot face, you should be my bestfriend you should know this stuff" Replied hunter. " yea? Well she's mine. And she clearly doesn't want to be with you right now bro. I see the bruises on her. It's obvious. And we used to be bestfriends... not any more. I never want to talk to you ever again." Answered gavin. Hunter had enough of that. He lunged himself at gavin. Putting himself over top of him and beating gavins face up and suffocating gavin so he couldn't breath. "STOP!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I grabbed hunters book bag and knock him out cold on the floor. Who knew I only needed one hand to fight someone. Gavin smiled at me and hugged me close, and said" Well are you excited about tonight, while we're here we mine as well plan so instead of planning 9th period we could just leave" " Ok," I replied. So for the rest of the period we planned our dinner date. He even asked me if we wanted to make it official. Ofcourse I said yes. We decided to leave the bathroom so we wouldn't miss 5th period when the bell rang and also we didn't want to get introuble for hunter who was probably lying dead on the floor and we didn't even bother to check his pulse. Neither of us wanted to go to jail.

Audrianna's pov: the library has got caught me and she was mad. " I came all the way here from my day off because a little burd told me you broke into my library, do you have anything to say for yourself." Said the librarian. " no ma'am, I just wanted to have free time alone, and who snicked on me?" I said. The librarian replied with, " well I'm afraid your in great trouble for skipping class I'm going to send you to the guidance counselor, Mr. Ward." ' oh no not him he's scary, I don't want him ruining my suicide plans.' She walked in to the library more and grabbed my stuff and my wrist. There seemed to be a tall girl behind her, I never seen her before. " It was me who tattled. Hi, I'm naiomi, the principals daughter and all the teachers favorites." " well I wouldn't say your everyone's favorite but... yea naiomi saw you fiddling with the lock outside and sent me a message on snapchat that someone was breaking in to my room, I didn't believe her at first I thought she was just making it up until I heard you bang your leg off the table. Is it OK you sounded like you hurt it bad. " Said the librarian. " I'm fine really," I said. The librarianreplied with," let me see before I go to the guidance counselor... it can't be that bad." The librarian pulled up my pants leg and gasped. " omg, we need to get you to the house that might be infected!" I said, " no, no don't worry about me I'm not going to the nurse, let's just go to the guidance counselor" " no before the guidance counselor were going to the nurses, you should get back to class now naioimi I'm not sure why you were in the hallway in the first place." Said the librarian. " yes ma'am," said naiomi. The librarian slowly walked me to the nurses alittle way down the hall. " What now that's like the 10th person getting severally hurt just today," the nurse said in an annoyed tone. " sorry ma'am but this girl here may have broke her leg. It looks as if the bone is sticking out and it may even get infected if it hasn't already." Said the librarian. The nurse checked my leg and looked shocked. "Let me get you some pain pills for that," she said. She came back with pills, some extra crutches and a cast. " take these, your gonna have to go to the er after school, so it doesn't get any worse," said the nurse. She cleaned off my wound with soap and water and wrapped it up in bandages. She then gave me the pill and water so I could easily swallow it. I took the pill and put it in my mouth so it was sitting on my tounge flat and took a big gulp of the water. I felt the pill roll down my throat with the water. The nurse handed me the crutches and Me and the librarian waved goodbye to the nurse and thanked her and went to Mr wards office. I walked into his classroom and the 5th bell rang. Luckly I could get out of gym today. Either way I don't have to play thanks for me getting a broken leg. I'm just not in the mood for getting bullied by abunch of kids for how bad I could play. Mr ward called us back into his office and the librarian helped me get into my chair. She then waved good bye and left me and Mr ward alone in his room.

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