chapter 1

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Alicia's pov: It's the first day back from Christmas break and so far it's just a normal average day. I had a hard time waking up since I've just been sleeping in all break but I'm still excited to go to school, it was boring over break, all my friends are at school. "I can't wait to see Jonny again in school," I say as I pack my heavy bookbag with the piles of homework I had over break. Why would the teacher give us homework over such an important time. Suddenly I hear the bus coming down the road, full speed. I hear the bus driver beeping her horn, I knew she wasn't gonna wait for me. I gasped and ran outside and ran down my long drive way and jumped on the bus with seconds remaining. The bus driver yelled at me and said," you need to be on time more, I can't wait for you, don't forget the secrurity cameras are watching." I roll my eyes as I walk to seat number 19, right behind Taylor and audrianna, my two friends. Taylors been my best friend since I moved here in 4th and audrianna just moved here this year she's a bit quiet and maybe alittle depressed but she's aight. I sit down and struggle to put my bookbag next to me, and I get my phone out. Taylor laughs and says, " I can't belive you almost missed it again!" I playfully hit her and sit back in my seat, grabbing my phone close to watch tik toks. I dont want to get introuble again by the bus driver and her rules are you need to be sitting back in your seat and sitting straight. She's strict but I've gotten used to her. She's my only bus driver I've ever known. I already have a feeling this day is going to go horribly wrong. It was a very boring ride, it felt like ages. I had already done my daily streaks on snapchat and I had even sent my online friend, Noah a goodmorning text. I was scrolling through tik toks until, I felt the bus stop and I heard the doors creek open and people started to get off. I followed audrianna and Taylor off the bus into the main lobby. My half sister, Destiny was already there waiting she was early, this week she was spending time with her mom because it was her moms weekend to have her and she thinks our dad, my step mom and my mom are weird, which i would have to agree, no offense to them ofcourse. Audrianna asks quietly, "so how was ya'lls day so far," at first I didn't hear her, so she repeated it and I was about to answer until I got interrupted by Carl, he seemed to have someone new with him who I didn't recognize. "Carl whose that girl?" I cheerfully ask. "Bitch, it's the new girl duhhh," he replied in a sassy tone. "What's her name?" Asked destiny. "I don't know maybe you should ask her, does it look like I'm her hahahaha!" Replied Carl. " shut the fuck up carl... don't worry about him sweetheart... so you got a name," I ask in an annoyed tone. The girls speaks in a confident tone and says, " The names molly, I came from Florida, whats ya'lls names." We all politely said our names and how long we been here until we heard the bell ring loudly. It was time for us to go to our Homerooms.

Destiny's pov: I woke up from slumber to my mom yelling my name. Last night I had dreams of my lover, gavin. I just can't understand why he won't like me. Am I just not worthy? As I'm getting ready for school I ponder and overthink of all the things that will happen today. I put on the bracelet my sister got me last Christmas and I put on the sweatshirt that gavin normally wears so I could match him. I finally get done getting ready and I get in the front seat of the car with my mom. I sit in the car texting my friends and daydreaming, looking out the window at the town we live in. I finally get to school, and I walk in to the main lobby to find Noone there inside. I must be early. Then coming through the door I see audrianna, taylor and alicia and they all walked over to me. They were all talking but I wasn't paying attention I was staring off into the distance staring at gavin talking with his friends. He kept looking over at me I was starting to think he might like me but I still had doubts... alot of them. Suddenly I saw Carl blocking my view, flicking his wrist. I roll my eyes as a I scream angrily," MOVE IT!" Then I saw Carl move and tap alicia on the shoulder and he had someone behind him. Ofcourse when alicia asked who she was he had to give attitude, why does she need to be friends with him, he's so rude. I asked, " what's her name?" And ofcourse Carl gave another sassy response. "Fake ass-" I stopped myself when I saw my bestfriend walk in through the doors she was almost late. Kendalynn had been my best friend since kindergarten, I never want to loose her. I heard alicia ask what the girls name was as I was talking to Kendalynn about how much I hated Carl. In a confident voice " The names molly, I came from Florida, whats ya'lls names." We all politely said our names and how long we been here. I'm getting a bad vibe from this girl, I wait impatiently as she talks about her dad being in the army and her having to move alot, hoping the bell rings soon. As I thought that, the bell loudly rang and we all went to our homerooms. Inside my Homeroom I saw audrianna already sitting down at her desk. " How did you get here so fast I ask, you were standing with us the whole time..?" I asked and she responded with " I don't know I guess I'm just fast walking." I just shook my head and let her be it sounded like she was going to cry her voice was a bit shakey and I just played on my phone.

Audrianna's pov: It was 6 am in the morning and I had to be at the bus stop by 6:30 am. I had already been ready since 3 am. I was just texting my friends on my phone from my old school. I never can get sleep anymore. I walked into my older brothers room to him snoring. I had to do something or he would miss the bus again. But last time I woke him up... something bad happened. I don't like to talk about it and I'm to afraid to speak up about it but I have a feeling the secret will come out eventually. I walk downstairs to the living room where my mom and dad are sitting watching the Daily news. My mom looks at me and says," come on now don't miss the bus get your ass moving. God why do you need to be so lazy, just be normal for once." My dad backs her up with ,"don't make me get the good old fashion whip out. You hear me? Listen to your mother when she's talking to you. And don't don't roll your eyes you little brat." You could tell they favor my brother, it's ok im used to it. I love school, I try to do anything to get out of that toxic environment. I hate them. But they weren't always like this, ever since my sister drowned in our pool a few summers ago, they turned depressed and bitchy. But my brother, he has no excuse, he used to be really close to me. Until his ex cheated on him with his bestfriend. That's stills no excuse to change your whole personality and then treat every other girl with disrespect, almost like how he treated me that cold night in november... The bus doesn't come to my house I have to go to a seperate bus stop, I been waiting here for alittle while now I came down early because of my parents. Atleast I'm always on time. The bus came fast around the bend, blowing the leftover leaves from fall making the wind blow cool air into my face. It burned my nose alittle. I got onto the bus and I stared out the window at all the house and trees in the country. We eventually got to alicia's stop. But she almost missed it again, the bus driver yelled at her. I saw her roll her eyes as she walked to her seat. I said hi to her but she didn't hear me over taylors loud voice. It's not my fault I quiet. I try to be loud. If only they knew why I was so quiet maybe they would respect me more... I continue looking out the window til I got to school. Me, alicia and Taylor got of the bus and went to the lobby. I asked everyone "so how was ya'lls day so far," I could tell alicia hadn't heard me at first because she gave me the look of confusion. So I repeated myself, I'm used to doing that. But this time alicia ignored me because of Carl. I felt hurt and anger swell up inside me. They were all interested in this new girl. I don't think they even remembered I was there. So I went to get breakfast. Noone realized I was gone. It's ok im just not worthy. I never will be. Why can't I just be normal and loud and talkative like all my other friends. I quickly throw my trash away and run to the bathroom. When I got inside I couldn't stop it. I'm so glad Noone else was in there with me. I started bawling my eyes out and I collapsed on the floor and had a mental breakdown. My makeup was starting to run, luckly I bring other makeup. I finally finished crying and reapplied my makeup. As soon as I put my makeup back into my bookbag the bell rang, I went to my Homeroom. I was the first one in there, I saw destiny walking in looking confused. I can't let her find out I was crying. I don't want her to think I'm a cry baby she already thinks I'm a mouse. She said," How did you get here so fast I ask, you were standing with us the whole time..? I wanted to scream out ofcourse I wasn't with you the whole time how did you not notice I walked away do you guys not even care about me but instead I replied with, " don't know I guess I'm just fast walking." Which would be true normally but the bathrooms are right next door to my Homerooms so I lied this time. Lying just for the best. I can't let her asking why I was crying. I don't want her to find out my secret. I would be the laughing stalk of the school. Everyone would hate me. I rather just be invisible...

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