chapter 6

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Alicia's pov: I left the nurses office and went to the locker rooms. I changed my clothes and took my jewerly off. I hid my special necklaces so they wouldn't get stolen. I met up with Carl who was waiting outside the locker rooms for me. He yelled, " Yo bishhh why are you so late. I been waiting here for awhile for you. Let'ssss gooo" I said nothing and walked down the stairs side by side with Carl. I walked down into the gym with him and Jonny stopped me before I could enter in the doors. " Are you ok?!... your late." He said in a worried tone. " don't be worried about me I just had a little accident.." I said not looking Jonny in the eyes. " I wouldn't call it little but..." Jonny said in a quiet tone. I heard him and said, " how would you know... you weren't there unless you were spying on me. " " No I saved you... I saw rylie come out of the bathroom all smiley and I asked her what happened in there and she replied with nothing. So I took a peak in and I saw you laying on the floor passed out. I'm the one who took you to the nurses office. Im sorry with whatever rylie did to you I really am. For now on I will be a body guard towards- " Jonny kept talking but I stopped him and said " no that's fine you really don't have to, I have my self under control i know it doesn't look like it but I'm good. It's not your fault you really don't need to apologize... you don't know why me and rylie were even in the bathroom in the first place. It was a stupid reason I should have never said yes to her. Just don't tell anyone ok I don't want anyone to find out" Jonny replied with, " well could you atleast tell me why you went in there with her, you didn't try to fight her did you?" Before I could reply both me and Jonny quickly turned around when we heard a voice. " come on I want to play gym. Enough with your drama. I don't got all day. My gay self would usually love tea but now is NOT the time. Let's go." I completely forgot Carl was standing right behind me. I didn't want HIM to hear. It definitely is gonna go around the school like wild fire now. Everyone's going to baby me now and feel bad for me. Atleast Noone asked me how my memory is- " oh I almost forgot do you remember anything that happened. You didn't forget my name did you? Oh my God you didn't forget your name did you? Do you have all your memories from earlier. Do you know were dating-" Jonny said. " wait ho- alicia you never told me you were dating Jonny. Girlllll whattttt. Congratssss- like yassss." Carl said in an exciting tone. I said in an annoyed tone, " omg everyone just shut up. I remember everyone and everything.. ok? I just don't remember the excact thing me and rylie did in the bathroom and I rather not find out now can we just go were probably all marked absent now! " We all went into the gym and I handed the teachers my late pass. I looked around and it looked like everyone was having free time. I tried to find audrianna but she wasn't anywhere to be found. ' I wonder what happened to her.' " yo bish where's Anna," Carl said. " bro does it look like I know?" I said. Neither Jonny or Carl responded to me, they could tell I had it and was annoyed as hell. " oh hey bro, what up?" Jonny said when Brayden came over to us breaking the deadly silence. "Hey alicia," Brayden said totally ignoring jonnys question. I saw he gave me a little wink. I think Jonny noticed to because he suddenly became angry. Jonny took a football and threw it as hard as possible right at braydens face. Brayden caught it and threw it on the ground and squared up and said " fight me bro. " me and Carl looked at eachother, both very flushed in the face. That's when I realized I was being fought over. I hope Jonny wins he's the only one I want and need. Jonny and Brayden were kicking eachother and punching eachother. People were starting to surround us. The gym teachers wondered what was happening in the giant crowd. One of them came over and went in the middle of Jonny and Brayden and separated them to both sides of the gym. He talked to both of them and writ both of them up for a detention. I talked to Brayden and Jonny before they left to go to the office and I told Brayden I only wanted Jonny and Jonny hugged me and left. The bell had already rung during the fight so I was very late to 6th period. I quickly ran back upstairs and changed back into my normal clothes and put my jewerly back on.

Destiny's pov: I went to the cafeteria and sat at my chair. I pulled out my lunch bag and my phone out. I started eating my lunch when the principal came into the room. He went up to the lunch teacher and whispered something in her ear. I put my phone down and listened close. " Do you know who was responsible for the blond boy who's out cold laying on the boys bathroom floor downstairs?" " no sir I have no clue who could possibly have done such a thing... let me ask around for you," said the cafeteria lady. " you don't have to worry I just need all the people who went into that bathroom or around that bathroom when it all happened, here's the list of all the people do you mind sending them to my office?" I gulped, I knew it was me and gavin. I might miss my next period class with how long that list is. The cafeteria teacher called everyone on the list one by one, I'm assuming that's going to happen in every class. All of us went down the hallway in a group to his office. I saw alot of people waiting in the main office needing to talk to him private. I looked around to see who else had to talk to him and I seen audrianna. I wasnt sure why she had to be there because I never seen or heard her at all, but I silently went over to Her and waited with her and gavin. The 6th period bell rang.

Audrianna's pov: There I was, stuck all alone in the guidance counselors office. I felt like hours until Mr ward said one word to me. He slid his chair that he was sitting at all the way across his room to his desk. He was typing like crazily and I think he was looking at my files because he finally said something. " Mrs. Webber why do you have so many missing assignments. Also why have you been skipping so many classes today. What has gotten into you ... care to explain?" " sir, I'm sorry I just been very busy so I didn't have time for all the assignments and I skipped all the classes because their just boring for me," I said. I left out what really happened, why I skipped the classes and what happened all day today. I especially kept out my secret. " That is no excuse to skip very important classes and what possibly could be so much more important than assignments, responded mr. ward. I thought about my answer so I didn't spill everything. Infact I couldn't spill anything I knew I had to lie. " sir, I have a new job after school to help my parents. After my sister died they stopped working to take care of my brother with autism. Sorry I will get right on those assignments," I lied. Mr ward replied with, " oh no ma'am I'm sorry I didn't know your brother has autism that must be hard for you." Ofcourse I knew he didn't really have autism but I needed to get myself out of that situation, I didn't want him spoiling my plan and I didn't want to spill my secret that I've been keeping to me all the years. The only one who knows about that secret is diary... it should stay like that for the time being. " I'll put your name down in my notes that your all good and your free to go... just try not to skip class anymore. I bet your only skipping classes cause your so upset about your brother. It's alright if you need anything you know where my office is. Tell your parents my condolences. Now move along now you will be late to 6th period," Mr ward said. The bell rang as soon as he said that. I slowly got up from my chair and grabbed my bag and struggled to put it on my back. I took my crutches and Me and mr ward said good bye to eachother. This is the first and the last time I'll ever have to be in his office. After tonight I won't have to be anywhere but hell, my true home. The place where I belong. I always have and I always will. I walked Out the door and to the office. In the office I got a key to the elevator. I pressed the button to floor 2 and went up to sixth period. I don't know how this day could get any worse if I'm being totally honest with myself. That's when the principal came right up to me. I sighed loudly. I basicly jinxed myself. " Mrs I need to talk to you and a few other people, there has been an incident in the boys bathroom and you were around it when it happened. I know you went into the girls bathroom but you could have still been apart of it or maybe you could give me some facts about what happened. I said ok and went off with him. I guess I'm not going to 6th period after all.

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