Sugar~ Sugawara x OC

44 2 15

~ prompt: Suga has a MAJOR sweet tooth and often visits a bakery after practice. He visits for 2 reasons; he loves the sugary pastries served there and the baker who is even sweeter! <3 Oh! This is an OC and her name is Sora Ishida. She's homeschooled and runs her own bakery. She is also a competitive swimmer ~

The doorbell to Sugar and Spice bakery chimed as Sugawara Koushi stepped through the entrance, still carrying his school bags.

"Hey, Suga!! She's in the back, I'll get her for you." The friendly cashier said to the young man with a smile. The cashier turned towards the kitchen and shouted. "Sora!! Sugawara is here! Wanna take over for a sec? I'm gonna make a coffee." The cashier quickly winked at Suga and rushed into the kitchen. Sora, who was currently dusting cocoa powder off her nose, gave the setter a warm smile as she greeted him. "Hi there!! You're here early. I thought you had practice after school?" Suga returned her sunny grin with one equally as charming as he explained to her that practice had been cancelled.
"Ahhhh, okay! So, the usual or do you want some of the butterscotch cookies that just came out the oven??" Sora asked.

Suga had been coming to Sugar and Spice for about a month before school and after volleyball practice. He liked to try something new every now and again but his favorite was coconut macarons and and a vanilla chai latte. The boy had quite the sweet tooth but so did Sora so she didn't judge. She was actually more than happy that he stopped by so often. She was homeschooled and took some classes online at night school which left her schedule open to run her bakery. Baking was her passion and she was thrilled she got to do it every day. Since Suga was one of her best customers, they had become rather close and she had even begun to harbor feelings for the silver-haired setter.

"Would it give me a toothache if I had both??" He asked with a laugh. To Sora, his laugh was a sound she couldn't get enough of. It was sweeter than sugar and sounded smooth and soft like silk.
"It might but if it does, I won't take responsibility!" She responded with a sly grin as she turned to grab his pastries from the kitchen. When she returned with the plate of butterscotch cookies and coconut macarons, she found him sitting at the bar table next to the window. The sun made his hazel eyes glow and seemed to highlight his every feature. "Here ya go." Sora said cheerfully as she sat the plate down in front of him, "The latte should be done in a few minutes." He looked up from his phone to admire the young woman standing in front of him. Her long hair was dyed a soft lavender color which looked amazing with her vanilla skin and dark eyes. she had flour all over her apron and as his eyes drifted down to her hands, he could see the little doodles she'd covered them in. She was everything he ever wanted.
"Thanks, Sugar." He said with a smile that could've given anyone a heart attack.

After about 15 minutes of chatting about school and family, Suga paused to ask a question.

"Hey, Sora..." He started "I just noticed we've never hung out outside of the bakery." She paused and thought about it. He was right, they'd never really seen each other unless it was at the bakery. She didn't even have his number! "Yeah that's true... Its kind of a shame" She responded. "Well how about we change that?? Your night classes start at 8:30 right? Its only 3:00, I'll pick you up in an hour. See you then, Sugar!" Suga said said slyly as he got up from his seat. By the time Sora opened her mouth to respond, he had already placed the check (plus a generous tip) on the counter and started to head out the door.

".... Sugar... I could get used to that." Sora mumbled under her breath as she quickly ran to the kitchen to see if someone would lock up the bakery for her.

Word count: 700 ish
Time taken: 3 hours (including brainstorm time)
Hotel: Trivago....

~ whew! it has been FOREVER since I last updated but I already have the majority of a very fluffy, very angsty Kuroo oneshot!
writing helps me blow off steam so I've been writing in between study sessions because I have finals tomorrow😭
hope everyone is doing well!!! Don't forget to drink water!! ~

- Rem❤

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