Incapable... (Oc x Kirishima)

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~                                             I N C A P A B L E                                           ~

I have no idea what this is but this is basically just me letting out all my feelings about being incapable of loving another human being so you don't have to read this... but you can :)

This will be written in first person pov so you may use it as a character x reader if you wish and sorry I write so much Kirishima stuff... hehe, I'm sort of obsessed with him ~


That's all I've ever felt.

Incapable of romantic interest towards another human being.

I, of course, don't want to be this way. I want to find that special someone and create our love story; live our very own fairy tale.
I want to jump from rooftop to rooftop in the crowded cities at night, I want to window shop with someone at the mall for hours, I want to spend the day watching old black and white films, I want to play hide and seek with someone in a field of tall grass, I want to go to an arcade and try to win the biggest prize they have, I want to travel the world with the one dearest to my heart.

I want to be in love.

Every single time an opportunity comes my way for a relationship, I can't feel a spark. We never click. I've been trying for years to feel something, anything, but its always just... empty.
Nothingness, like a dark void or an unlit fire. I've never even had a grade school crush!!! I was ready to finally accept defeat,

But then I met him....

My friend had invited me to a ball that she was hosting for the students from her old school. Why she thought I would be comfortable dancing all night in a dress so tight it almost broke my ribs, I'll never know. I'm a city kid. I grew up there and I've known nothing but the loud, bustling streets, crowded apartments, and endless buildings that tower over everything else. Now of course, I lived next to that part of the city. As in the "Aw fuck... they're shooting up the corner store again. Everyone stay down for the next couple minutes okay??" part of the city.
Nevertheless, my parents made sure I knew how to Ballroom dance properly just in case something like this ever happened.

I had never been much of a talker so I was just sitting back and observing everyone else on the dance floor. Champagne was at my disposal and I put it to good use, downing a couple of glasses within my first 30 minutes of being there. I was on glass 4 when I saw him through the sea of people.

He had bright red hair that he wore spiked up. It didn't look like it would be appropriate for a ballroom dance but, somehow, he made it work. He had on a jet black blazer and tie that he wore over a deep red button down shirt. He had on black dress pants and black shoes to match.

"Ugh... his clothes are probably so much more comfortable compared to mine" I thought while looking down at my outfit.
I was wearing a sleeveless, floor length, dark red gown and a black cape. Yes, a cape. I had on long black gloves, black flats, and a minimal amount of makeup (just some eyeliner and lipstick to match my dress). I had on small black pearl earring to complete the look. I didn't do anything special to my hair, it was sorta just doing its own thing and I didn't try to stop it.

His eyes drifted around the Ballroom, probably looking for a dance partner, and he spotted me.

"Shit..." I thought, "please don't come over here, I don't think I can even walk straight right now" I mentally cried as he moved closer to me. The nearer he got, the more I started to panic.

"Hey! Umm would you like to dance?? Its just, I don't really have a date and I saw that you were over here by yourself" He said while giving me the most heart warming smile I had ever seen. He was one of those people who showed their teeth when they smiled and I noticed his were sharp to the point that they looked shark-like.

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