Mirio x Tamaki x gender neutral reader

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~ Hello!!! This is a poly relationship with Mirio and Tamaki! :D Gender neutral pronouns by request✨ this is a fun beach date with them!! Requested by CaptainHanjisan please enjoy! ~

"Y/n, Tamaki!! Look over here!!" Mirio said in an excited, cheerful voice. You and Tamaki paused your splash fight to look over at Mirio and see what he was doing.

You and your boyfriends, Mirio and Tamaki, had decided to go to the beach. It was a super hot day and the sun beat down relentlessly so you were grateful you were in the water.

"What did you want to show us??" You asked.

"Look!!" Mirio said. Mirio was flexing his muscles, which you had to admit, were really big. He was holding A beach board and getting ready to get on. He quickly paddled out a bit more and tried to catch a wave, but fell in the water instead.
You and Tamaki both suppressed giggles.

Mirio emerged from out the water as he grabbed his board and waded back over to you and Tamaki.

"Hold on, let me try again!!" He said with a determined voice.
He paddled out again and and tried to catch another wave.
He almost had it before falling in the water again.
This time Tamaki let out a quiet laugh.

"ONE MORE!! Make sure you watch, I'm gonna get it this time!!" He said confidently. You knew how determined your boyfriend was and if he said he was going to accomplish something, he would do it. While waiting for Mirio to mount his board, you felt Tamaki silently link pinkies with you as he flashed you a sweet smile.

~ I'm so sorry if this is bad, I'm still super new to this writing stuff.. ~

Mirio paddled out and caught a big wave and this time he didn't fall in. You and Tamaki both started to clap and smile as he neared the beach. "POWERRRR" He yelled, as he finally let go of the board before he got too close to shore. He ran, or tried to, to you and Tamaki. His eyes shining as he gave a bright smile.

"Did you both see that? I told you I could do it!!" He said proudly.

"Yeah i saw it! You did great, Sunshine" Tamaki said to Mirio,
"but we also saw the several times you fell in before that one" he said, laughing.

"Hey that's not fair!!" Mirio said as he splashed Tamaki.
Soon, all 3 of you were splashing each other. Mirio suddenly splashed you and Tamaki causing you both to stumble. You took the opportunity to splash both Tamaki and Mirio while they were distracted. They both sputtered out water as you laughed.

"Okay that's it" Tamaki said while laughing as he used his quick to turn his hands into tentacles. He grabbed you and Mirio and hoisted you both into the air. You both squealed and laughed as you tried to fight back. Once he finally let you both down, you and Mirio smirked at each other before nodding and double teaming Tamaki. You used Elemental, your quirk, to control the water and send a huge wake towards Tamaki who dodged in the nick of time. You all started laughing as you made your way back to shore. After packing up and hopping in the car, you fell asleep. You were exhausted from the fun day.

"Tamaki," Mirio whispered to him, "look at them!! They're so cute when they sleep!" He said in a voice filled with love and admiration. Tamaki looked into the backseat to see you fast asleep. He leaned back and planted a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Yeah, they are... we're so lucky to have them."

Words: around 600
Time taken: 2 hours?

Heyoooo ❤ thank you for reading!! I hope I didn't do too bad... Still new to writing lol XD
But u hope the person who requested it is happy and if you have any ideas or requests, just message me!
I sped wrote this so sorry if there are mistakes :(
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