Iida x Gender neutral reader

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~ hey everyone!! This was requested by emotionalraaiinn so I hope they like it!! Also they have a very cute kagehina/kuroken story that they are writing if anyone wants to check it out! :)
In this, y/n is Bakugou's sibling! And Y/n has a big fat crush on none other than the extremely nerdy Tenya Iida ~

"Bakugou!! No running in the halls!!" A teacher called to you as you raced down the corridor.

Yep. You heard that correctly. You were twins with none other than the chaotic, hot-headed problem child, Katsuki Bakugou.
And you were none other than Kaoru Bakugou, his chaotic, cool headed sibling. You were definitely as loud and as.... explosive as your brother, but you were generally a nice person so it balanced out. You both had popped out with similar quirks as well as similar features. He got Explosion while you got Fire Starter which is a quirk that allows you to set any object you please on fire.

~ Kaoru is a gender neutral Japanese name :) ~

"Sorry!! I've got to find someone!!" You called back to the teacher as you rounded the corner. You were looking for your friend, Iida. You and him had to work on a project together but he was no where to be found.

"Kaoru, over here!!" Iida said as he saw you rush past.
You turned around and ran back to him.

"And how many times to I have to tell you not to run in the halls?? We had a dorm meeting about this!" He said while doing his signature hand chops. You rolled your eyes and gave him a big smile.

"Sorry, Ii!" You said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the dorms to finish the project (A/n the nickname "Ii" is pronounced like "E" and sorry if this is cringy lol).

~ In Iida's Dorm ~

You stepped into Iida's dorm and it was exactly how you expected it to be. It was organized and pretty standard. Your eyes scanned the room and landed on a bunch big posters over his desk.
There was BTS, Clairo, Cavetown, and Conan Gray.

"You're an ARMY??" You said with a laugh.

"I- ummm. I listen to them sometimes" Iida said in a sheepish voice. This was totally not something you expected from him, unlike the card book full of Pokemon cards on his desk. You had seen the Pokemon cards coming.

~ After finishing the project ~

"Well, it's almost curfew so you should probably head back to your dorm." Iida said, although he didn't look too happy about you leaving.

"Actually..." you started "I'm bored. Let's do something fun!! Cmon!!" You said while tugging at his hand.

"B-but Kaoru, it's almost curfew and there are rules.... plus we have to get up early tomorrow to present our project!!" Iida exclaimed. You rolled you eyes and smiled.

"Oh, live a little!! Let's go to the top of the hill on campus with the sakura blossom tree. It's supposed to be a super clear night." You say with a mischievous gleam in your eyes. You grab his hand and basically drag him out the dorm. After sneaking past everyone and paying Aoyama to keep his mouth shut about you both sneaking out, you started walking towards the hill.

It was beautiful outside. There was a warm breeze and the moon and stars lit up the world.

"Hey uhh do you think I could hold your hand?" Iida said quietly while pushing his glasses up, " It's fine to say no, I completely understand and I don't take offense to it-" You cut him off by grabbing his hand and giving it a small squeeze. He flashed you the sweetest smile you had ever seen and interlaced your fingers.

You kept making your way up the hill as Iida started to sing softly.

" Sorry I didn't kiss you..
But it's obvious I wanted to
Bubble gum down my throat and it's a curse
But my luck couldn't get any worse~ "

(Song: Bubble gum by Clairo)

Your eyes widened in surprise. He had a beautiful singing voice! It was soft and sweet but also very deep and seemed to resonate inside of his throat. You both finally got to the top of the hill, still hand in hand and Iida still singing. You and Iida sat at the base of the sakura blossom tree. This felt so right to you and its what you had wanted for a while. You laid your head on his shoulder as you both stared at the sky where countless shooting stars shot through the sky and the stars shone like glitter. You stayed like that until he perked up.

"Hey umm do you want to dance??" He asked while fidgeting with his hands. Did you want to dance?? Was that even a question...

"Yes!! But um we don't have any music" you said, chuckling.
Iida smiled.

"Pick a song" he said simply.

You told him This December by Ricky Montgomery.
He pulled out his phone, turned on the song and turned the volume down a bit. He sat his phone down, stood up and held out his hand for you. You took it as he began to twirl you around as he sang.

"Only in my darkest moments can I see the light
I think I'm prone to getting blinded when it's bright...
Well, this December, I'll remember
I want you to see it when I do
God knows I do~ "

He picked you up and spun you around in the air and you looked into his eyes but something was different... they didn't look stern or concerned, just happy and free. He put you down and continued to dance with you as you both sang the last few lines of the song. You stopped and stared at him. You had never seen him this happy before!! You wondered if it was because of you....

"Kaoru... I really like you" He started, "I have for a while now. You're super fun to be around and you can always make me forget about everything else. I understand if you don't reciprocate my feelings but I just thought you should know." He finished, fidgeting with his hands and trying not to stutter.

You stared at him in disbelief. And here you thought he might reject YOU.

"Took you long enough" you said, giving him a big smile
"I like you too!!"

"S-so would you like to be my partner?" He asked nervously.

"YES" You yelled, laughing and giving him a big hug which he returned to you.

~ The Next Day After Classes ~

"And then, he tried to get inside of Tsu's room!!! Can you believe that??? Mina ended up duct taping him to the wall" You said, laughing. You were telling Iida how Mina got revenge on Mineta for trying to sneak into Tsuyu's room. He quickly scanned the common room and noticed that everyone was there but Mineta.

"Did Mina leave him duct taped to the wall!?!!??" He asked, alarmed. This only made you laugh harder at the situation.

"HEY GLASSES!!!" Katsuki yelled as he stormed over to you and Iida, "ARE YOU DATING MY SIBLING!???!!!!!" You could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"OH SHUT UP, KIT KAT!!!" You fired back at your brother, smirking. He hated when you called him that.

You and your brother started yelling at each other about him staying out of your love life until Kirishima finally dragged him out of the room.

"Sorry about him," you said to Iida "he's such a hot head. He thinks I shouldn't hang around "extras"" you said, rolling your eyes.

"But that won't ever change the way I feel about you!" You told him. He smiled at you as he pushed his glasses up.

"I'm so happy I'm finally with you" He said.

Words: 1200

Time taken: 3 hours and 30 minutes

Hotel: Trivago (lmao I had to)

Hey y'all!!! This was honestly so fun to write- heh I stayed up to about 3:00 am finishing it!! This is probably one of my fav oneshots that I've written so far! I hope everyone liked it and don't forget to vote and comment!!! <3
Bokuto x reader body positivity oneshot and hawks x reader oneshot coming soon!!!!

- Rem❤

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