Dreamers (Bakugo x reader)

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A/N: I haven't updated this in probably over a year... no idea why I'm doing this now but I just had the idea! loosely based off of a book (I think it's called the wishing tree or something I can't remember) where the mcs meet each other in their dreams. Bakugou obviously goes to UA and y/n goes to a different school, but is preparing to move and transfer to UA. enjoy!! wont be my best work 

   Y/N's POV:

   You packed, taped, and stacked the last of the moving boxes for your room. You and your family were moving to a new house and you would be transferring to UA in a few days. Moving had always been a bittersweet experience for you; you were elated at the endless possibilities that a new home could bring, but it was always so stressful trying to box and pack up enough of your old home to take with you. Change was usually welcomed, but it didn't change the fact that is was sometimes scary.  

"The adjustment shouldn't be too hard", you thought. You already knew a few childhood friends that went to UA -including Tsuyu and Kirishima- and they'd promised to help show you around. You lay back on your bed -now almost just as bare as the rest of your room- and cut the light out. It was late and you had to get up early the next morning to help pack up the stuff in the kitchen. After a lot of restless tossing and turning, you finally drifted off into sleep. 

Bakugo's POV: 

 After finishing dinner, Bakugo had headed straight to his room to get all his homework out the way. There was an essay due tomorrow that he'd been putting off for the past week. The school year had just started, but some of his teachers had been giving out work like it was already the middle of the year.  He finished the last sentence, flopping onto his bed immediately afterwards. He didn't even get a chance to cut out the light before he passed out.


You find yourself on top of a small hill overlooking a large school. Everything from the grass, to the clouds, to the trees, to the shape of the building seemed too perfect to be real. You were vaguely aware that  you were dreaming, but definitely aware none of this could be real... You sat down at the base of a large tree. It was gorgeous, with a sloppy looking heart carved at the base of the trunk, with someone's initials carved into it. This particular scene popped up often in your dreams. The image of the  large tree was permanently burned into your memory from the countless times its uniquely curved trunk had been in your dreams when you were young. 

Scanning the field at the base of the hill, you noticed a boy walking towards you. Dreaming made everything fuzzy, so you couldn't see much, but you could clearly see spiky, ash-blonde hair protruding from his head. The closer he got, the more evident it was how angry he was. His hands seemed to be burning hot too, and his eyes were equally as deadly looking. You were used to strange things popping up in your dreams, but usually it was just something super absurd or trippy, never anything like this. He looked ready to kill.


He woke up in the large field with a view of UA. It was a common setting for a lot of his dreams, most being nightmares. Unfortunately, he'd gotten used to having a lot of violent dreams over the years. Villains attacking the school, losing to Deku, having to stand by and see people die on his watch, etc. When he looked around this time, everything seemed calm. Serene, even. His eyes darted back and forth until he saw someone sitting on top of the small hill. Assuming it was some sort of freakish, dream-villain, he activated his quirk and started to head over. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, but the closer he got, the more harmless the person seemed. They were an average height and build but their facial features were otherworldly. They could only be described as angelic. 

Haikyuu & Mha Oneshots/Headcanons~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя