Bokuto x Reader (comfortshot)

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~ hiiii if you already can't tell, I'm A super fluffy person but I'm also kind of insecure abt my weight/height/face so I like body positivity oneshots! And ToriFennux likes them too so here ya go! Also Bonkers_D said something about wanting to read it too!!

In this, something happened to the reader while at their job that made them feel insecure.... but Bokuto will make sure they are alright!! ~

"Hi, what can I get for you today??" You asked as a young man walked up to you register to order. You worked at a small cafe in town and you were a very popular barista. You knew all the regulars and often looked out for the younger kids that came into the cafe.

"I'll have a Carmel latte and a half a dozen chocolate cookies" he said, looking at the menu. Suddenly, his eyes skimmed over your face and his expression changed to one of disgust as he looked you up and down. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, you quickly rang up the order and went to make it. You came back to the register to see him waiting patiently.

"Here you go, sir!! Have a great day!" You said, flashing him a huge smile.

"Thanks. Also, a bit of advice, you should try and close your mouth when you smile. It's not very nice looking. Also, I know a great gym you can go to down the street if you want." He said before grabbing his food and leaving.

Your smile faltered as you quickly closed your mouth. You helped the rest of the people in line, said bye to your co-workers, and immediately left for your apartment.

You couldn't stop thinking about what the man had said.
Usually that kind of stuff didn't bother you but you had just recently started smiling much more and you thought it looked okay.... quarantine had also taken a toll on you so you hadn't been super active but it hurt to hear someone point those things out.

Once inside your apartment, you sat down on your couch and decided to scroll through Instagram. You got a notification that someone had tagged you in a post. You clicked to see a photo of you and two of your friends at the beach. You all had big smiles and slight sunburn but you looked happy. You smiled and liked the post. You decided to check the comments and, as expected, people were complimenting your outfits and how cute your friend's hair was. But then you saw one comment that read

"Its so nice to see at least SOME of our classmates got a glow up"

You clicked on the profile of the person who had made the rude comment and saw it was one of your old classmates from high school. She was one of the "popular" kids back then so you didn't interact much but you still recognized her.

Seeing that comment was the last straw.
You rushed to the bathroom and looked yourself over in the mirror. Your mind started to point out every little thing that was wrong with you. You fell into a sort of despair and decided to just go sit in the living room and watch a movie.

Halfway through the movie, you heard someone inserting keys into the lock on your door.

"Hey hey hey!!!" Your boyfriend, Bokuto said happily as he entered the door, "How're you doing, babes??" he asked as he started to take his shoes off and come sit next to you on the couch.
He looked over at you but his face fell when he saw you were sitting on the couch, hugging your knees to your chest, visible tear stains on your cheeks.

"Oh no no no... what happened!?!! Did I do something?? I'm sorry... was it because I ate you chocolate bar earlier??" Bokuto quickly came over to you and scooped you up in his arms as he sat you on his lap.

"No, you didn't do anything. I'm fine, really" you said in a monotone voice.

"Please tell me what happened" he said, "I want to help you!!".
He looked at you with pleading eyes and you sighed and told him what had happened, knowing he wouldn't leave you alone about it until he knew. You had to admit, it felt good having someone to talk to about this kind of stuff. As you continued telling him, his expression changed from concern to anger pretty quickly.

" I can't believe anyone would say something like that about the most amazing person in the world!!!" He said to you, "Everything about you is perfect and I love everything about you!!!"

"I love your hair" he says while running his hands through your hair.

"I love your eyes" he says while gazing into them momentarily.

"I love your nose" he says as he nuzzles it with his own.

"I love you lips" he says as he begins to smother you with kisses.

"I love your hands" he says as he kisses them softly.

"I love your stomach" he says while hugging you tightly.

"I love every single thing about you because you are perfect!!"
He says enthusiastically, "don't ever forget that!!!".

You couldn't believe how lucky you are to have such an amazing boyfriend! He gave him the biggest smile you could possibly give as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He smiled and pulled you closer. You stayed like that for a long time before he finally spoke.

"I love you" he says softly.

"I love you too" you say, "but really?? You ate my chocolate bar?"

"Uhh yes..?? But now we can go to the candy shop and get you more!!!" He says excitedly as he puts you on his back, puts on his shoes, grabs yours, and carries you out the door.

Words: About 1000
Time taken: 1-2 hours

Hi everyone!! Yesssss that's right, this will be a double upload!!
I really needed this hehe... I love Bokuto so much and I feel like he'd be the type of person to hype you up all the time if you're feeling insecure. Okay I need to go to bed NOW because it's like 5:00 am and I've been up since 7:00 am, running off of Oreos and a bottle of water all day💀 don't forget to vote and comment!! I love seeing people's comments, they make me really happy!!


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