Chapter 2

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Tw: violence

Pov: George

The Bell rang, which meant that Break was over and that you should go to your next Class. I have PE now and to be honest, I would do anything to skip it.

In PE bullying always gets ten times worse than it already is, because I'm everything else but into sports. And my Classmates choose to make use of that.

"Ey useless change you're name and get over here we need a ball."

The three jerks from my grade: Anthony, Velvet and Hbomb.

Hbomb was called that couse on one of his first days in school he send off a bomb that exploded right besides the sports hall. You can still see the crater it made.

And Velver was called that 'course noone actually knows his real name.

'Names are for loosers' he says when someone is brave enough to ask him about his nickname.

Besides that there was not much more original to say about this group of hormonal juniors.

Hbomb deals drugs to the lower grades on the school next to ours.

Velvet is a total ass who hates everybody with divorced parents and three siblings.

And Anthony or just Ant was the cool guy who leads the pack and isn't interested in the million girls simpin over him, which I just don't get.

I wouldn't say that I want a Partner but I also wouldn't have nothing against it.

It has to feel nice to have someone in your life that actually cares for you. I've never had someone like that and I probably never will have, but I  deserve it.

PE went on and it was filed with me being used as the ball bringer or some other useless job, but didn't complain because I was kinda happy to not have to do actual Sport.

Whatsoever I was still grateful to hear the Bell that told us that we could go to our next class.


I only took the class because I really liked the teacher but as time passed It turned out to be fun.

The only reason I didn't liked it was clay.

Clay, the typical High School jerk that loved to bully other People out of no reason, but for some reason he liked bullying me more than any other kid in this School. There was hardly a Day where I wouldn't be beaten up by him or his friends and I knew that today wouldn't be any different.

And how right I were.

Just in that Moment Nick and Clay showed up and as they saw me I knew something bad was about to happen.

"Hey Gogy, we are still not happy about what happened back in the cafeteria" Nick sayed while coming towards me with an evil smirk on his face.

I felt slight panic to rise in me, while I was trying to find any way to escape this situation, but there was none. I was stuck and there was no way out.

Clay pinned me against one of the lockers harshly so I couldn't move. "I told you, you would get the full anger soon and here we are and this time no one can help you."

And with that, it started. Punch after punch. The pain was sharp and overwhelming. After a few hits I fell to the ground, my legs couldn't take it anymore.

Nick and Clay left after a few moments, both having an Evil smirk on their faces.

I got up and went to the Bathroom, hoping no one would be there.

Fortunately I was alone is the room. I washed my face and looked in the Mirror.

To my surprise only a few scratches covered my face, otherwise I looked normal. The tired lifeless eyes, the pale skin and the brown ugly hair. Of course I knew that I had Bruises all over my stomach and back but I would take care of that later.

After making sure I looked ok I rushed to class. By now I was 20 Minutes late and I knew that I had to have an good Explanation.

"Mr. Davidson, where have you been?" Mrs. Nachu asked worriedly after I got to class.

"I'm sorry for being late I fell of Stairs and spent the last twenty Minutes at the nurse"

That was a horrible lie.

"Oh are you okay? You can go Home if you want-"

"No I'm fine seriously."

Another horrible lie.

"Ok, if you say so" Mrs. Nachu said but I knew she didn't completely believed me.

I got to my seat, while Mrs. Nachu continued.

"So as I was saying: You guys are going to have an Partner Project soon. The Project is to write an Text in German out of two Perspectives. It can be any theme. The Group's are duos."

She began reading her List out loud. I could only hope that I wouldn't be partnered up with one of my bullies because than I really wouldn't know what to do.

"Alex Quack and Nick Snap,  Karl Jacobs and..."
She said a bunch of other names and made me realize how many people were in this class that I didn't even know.
"And last but not least
Clay Taken and George Davidson."


"Gosh really with the fucking outsider??!!"

Clay wasn't happy about it and I wasn't either. I mean why did I have to Partner up with him? HIM?! My day couldn't get any worse..

"Clay please sit down and watch you're Language or I'll have to send you to the principal again"

"Ah what ever" Clay said eyes rolling.

A/n: I know this chapter was pretty short again and probably kinda boring too but I promise it will get interesting soon!
(And also sorry for making literally everyone in this Story an asshole lol)
Please remember to eat and drink something and don't forget you're worth it!

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