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Author's note: Well, here it is. I'll try to incorporate both the Halo and Akame ga Kiru franchise. Don't worry, I will be needing help by PM me for any request. And finally, this will be taken in an alternate timeline (Yes I said it before) but it will be different.

Oh, uh, just expect some grammar mistakes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill and Halo. They belong to their Rightful owners. With the Exception of my OC, who I got the idea off a reviewer.

In the death Battle room, everyone was sitting down in either the floor or in the couch and currently they were bored. Bored of watching Death Battle Non-stop.

"Man, I'm really bored." Lubbock groaned in boredom.

"Same." Leone agreed.

"We know that Death Battle is good but...." Wave started.

"It's starting to get boring." Tatsumi finished with a moan of boredom.

"Agree." Akame added as she ate her first plate of meat.

"Maybe we should do some training." Bulat suggested.

"No." some of them said right away.

"Maybe I could spend a time with Tatsumi." Esdeath said as she cuddled up to Tatsumi, which got her a glare coming from Mine.

Then all of a sudden, the TV screen turns black, which caught the attention of everyone.

"What the hell!?" Mine muttered.

"Did the TV screen just shut off?" Kurome questioned.

"I guess so." Suzaku answered.

"There's no way the TV just switch off right away." Dorothea pointed out.

"Indeed, there is no power circuit. So that means...." Susanoo was about to say.

Suddenly, they all heard a humming sound. Is sounded like it was cheerful, which made Run growl due to personal memories.

"Okay, if it's a clown, it's dead." He said coldly as he prepared his Imperial Arms.

Everyone soon prepares their weapons and took their stances to face off what was to come. The sound got closer and everyone soon looked at the screen, where there was a metallic spherical shape with orbs. More interestingly, the light was coloured light green and it suddenly scanned all of them. More specifically, their Imperial Arms.

"interesting." It said. The voice was clearly female and it soon circled around the group, which made some of them feel wary about this thing just looking at them. It soon stops after circling them two times and stood right in front to where the TV was.

"Who are you?" Najenda asked in a hostile voice.

"Greetings! I am 2722 Delta Contingent; I am the Monitor of the Forerunner Installation archives of the Mantle of Responsibility. It is a pleasure meeting you all after 100,000 years. How may I be in assistance Reclaimers?" she greeted cheerfully. Now, this was getting weird. Everyone was speculating that this thing was calling all of them "Reclaimers" which could be some sort of religious thing. Another thing that confused them all was that this thing was a "Monitor". Questions needed to be answered soon.

"Monitor?" Tatsumi said.

"Yeah, what the hell is that?" Leone added.

"To answer that Reclaimers, a monitor is tasked with servicing and maintaining multiple installations. In my case, I maintain the Forerunner archive." She answered.

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