The door slipped open a little more with the briefest of prompting, and he slid in, closing it fully behind him. This had to be the way to Ginny. It just had to.

A dark, small area opened in front of him. Stone surrounded him. Narrow, he was able to move without much trouble. "Lumos." The end of his wand lit up the little space, and he walked, following the pathway as quiet as he could. Until he came to a set of stone steps. Down he descended, listening for the slightest noise.

He got to the bottom when soft voices reached him. Leaning against a cold, wet wall, he silently moved forward. He found a door, and with a small push, it opened enough that he could slip through. The voice grew louder.

He entered another stone corridor with ten wooden doors, five on each side with small windows.

He was in the Parkinson's dungeons.

Bloody hell.

The voices came from the end of the corridor. He glanced in the other rooms as he passed, and they were all empty.

The last room, on the right side, was where the voices were coming from.

"You're interrupting," Malfoy said.

Harry stopped, his heart pounding. Did he see him?

"Why the fuck am I handcuffed? Where's my wand?"


Shite. Harry peeked through the window. Parkinson and Malfoy stood with their backs to the door, but he could see Ginny, bound in a chair, cheek red, and blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"I thought you were going to handle him?" Malfoy asked.

"Someone was coming. I had to be quick!" she hissed.

"Let him go," Ginny said, and Harry's heart skipped a beat. Her bright eyes were dark. Fury radiated from her. "He's got nothing to do with this."

"Do you even know who he is?" Malfoy took a step closer to her. "He's the Head Auror for MACUSA. We can't just let him go." He sighed and shook his head. "He'll at least need to be obliviated. Though, killing him would be so much easier."

Harry stiffened. He couldn't see Jack from where he was. Was he hurt? He should've been paying better attention to his people. He'd been too focused on Ginny...

Stop it. Concentrate on helping them.

"How did you even know I was Fyrefox?" Ginny asked suddenly.

Harry tried the door handle to the room, and it was unlocked. He softly pushed it open slightly, and thankfully it didn't creak. Thank Merlin someone was maintaining the dungeons. He gripped his wand.

"A year ago, you stole the Flint Tiara from their Manor, and I happened to be passing. I saw you just before you disapparated. Later, I heard the Tiara had been stolen and Fyrefox had been involved," he explained. "I put the pieces together."

That was careless of her.

"That's impossible," Ginny told him. "I'm always careful."

A beat passed. "Maybe passing isn't the right word. I too was on the grounds uninvited." The smirk on his lips was evident in his voice. What a bastard. Maybe Harry should jump and curse the bastard. He couldn't be held accountable for his actions while the woman he loved was being held against her will.

But Ginny could be hurt. I pushed down the urge and waited.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about me?"

"I was waiting for the perfect moment, and finally, it arrived." Footsteps moved away from the door, and when Harry peeked in the window, Malfoy had moved behind Ginny, his back to her. Was that where Jack was?

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