What Happens In Vegas

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Jade's POV

I woke up looking at the wall and trying to blink the sleep away from my eyes. My head was pounding and I felt like absolute shit. What the hell happened last night?

Suddenly the bed shifted. Oh god.

I turned around. You've got to be kidding me. Vega stared back at me with the same dumbfounded look I'm sure I had.

"What the hell?" We both said in unison.


The gang was celebrating their first official get together after all making it through college. They were in Las Vegas, and were having a hell of a good time.

Robbie and Cat were dancing together as Andre and Beck were hitting on some girls. Jade, unbeknownst to everyone else, was on her 6th Godfather of the night, and was completely trashed. Tori was downing another Kamikaze and was pretty far gone herself.

Those same two were also together against the far wall of the club, locked in a drunken but sensual kiss. Abruptly, Tori stopped and dragged Jade out of the club and out onto the Vegas Strip.

End of Flashback

"Fuck's sake..." I muttered as I realized I was naked.

"What happened last night?" Tori asked, running her fingers through her disheveled hair.

"Like I should fucking know," I spat back as I got up to find my clothes, completely ignoring the fact that I was naked.

I finally located my clothes, thrown into a pile mixed with Tori's. That was unsettling. I quickly picked out mine and put them on, tossing the remainders to Tori.

I started looking around the hotel room I knew they made us share for any clues as to the events of the previous night.

I heard Tori getting dressed behind me as I looked through a pile of random stuff we had thrown onto the desk. Finally I found a folded up piece of paper, and just about screamed when I read it.

"Vega..." I growled.

"What?" She asked, seemingly clueless.

I shoved the piece of paper towards her, as she read it her face gradually took on a shocked expression.

"We got married?!" She almost shouted.

I rolled my eyes, "Obviously!" I took the paper from her and turned to the door, "I'm leaving."

I tried my best to ignore the fact that I was in the most cliché situation known to man, and left to find my best friend and confidant.

"Cat," I said as she opened the door to her room, "I need help."

"What's wrong?" She asked, seeming very concerned. She'd dropped the act she was keeping up in high school and was much more mature nowadays.

She invited me inside, and as soon as the door closed, I broke, "I married Tori," I said as I actually started to cry.

She immediately came up to me to give me a comforting hug. She's the only person besides Beck who knows I've been in love with Tori since our days at Hollywood Arts. It was the entire reason for my final breakup with Beck, and he was actually the one who finally got me to accept it.

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