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Having finally finished getting dressed the girl moved to the mirror to see the finished product. There she surveyed what there was to see. She was wearing black boots, black leggings with a green skirt. She also was wearing a black corset studded with silver and a leather Jacket. Her hair was black with blue tips and of course her fingernails were painted solid black.

"You look perfect Jade." Tori Vega said to her reflection in the mirror.

Tonight was the night of the Hollywood Arts Halloween dance. Instead of going as a ghost, mummy or other monster, Tori decided to go as the most scary creature of all; Jade West.

Once before she imitated Jade, when Andre was crushing on her, but Tori realized that it was a crude imitation at best. This time she decided to use her acting skills and do it right. She started by studying Jade carefully. That was easy for Tori since she secretly had been in love with the Goth anyway.

After studying Jade's clothes, Tori scoured resale shops and Goth clothing stores for the perfect Jade outfit. Luckily she was able to find duplicates of several things the Goth owned. But Tori knew she needed to do more than look the part. She made careful notes, of things that Jade said and her mannerisms. With the help of an amused Sikowitz, Tori practiced every aspect of Jade's behavior.

Tonight was the night. Tori carefully looked over every detail of her "costume". She even duplicated Jade's makeup and hair. Looking in the mirror Tori no longer saw herself. It actually gave her a chill to see a smirking Jade West starring back at her from the mirror.

The reason why was the most important of all. She wanted Jade to notice her. Not look at her dismissively but really see her. She wanted Jade's full attention for once in her life. It was probably futile and she half expected to come home with a fat lip but Tori was determined.

The best thing of all was the fact that no one knew what she was going as. Tori acted like she couldn't decide, earning some mocking by Jade no less.

Tori emerged from the room, making a point to use Jade's walk and mannerisms. She didn't want to break character if she didn't' have too.

Trina was waiting downstairs, dressed as a Sexy Vampire. Upon seeing her younger sister, Trina did a double take. "Holy Cow. You look exactly like Jade." Trina said with amazement.

"I am Jade" Tori snapped, mocking Jades voice nearly perfectly.

Trina got of the couch and grabbed her keys. "Oh goody, now there are two of them. This should be fun. Come on Jade."

Trina on the car ride, kept babbling on about how great her sexy vampire costume was. Then she talked about which boy she was going to "Bite" so to speak. Occasionally she would just look at Tori and shake her head.

"You realize she's going to kill you." Trina warned her sister. Tori just smirked and pulled a huge pair of scissors from her boot. "Not likely"

By the time the Vega sisters pulled into the parking lot the dance was in full swing. They could see few students working their way towards the gym. All of them in various costumes.

Tori brushed aside her nervousness. "Jade never lets her nervousness show and neither will I. I'm not Tori Vega anymore. I'm Jade west" She thought.

Trina got out of the car and made a beeline for a sophomore boy dressed as a prince, leaving Tori alone. The Latina just smirked and walked to the open doors of the Gym.

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