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As she and I walked down the road toward the playground at the end of her road we were silent. This did nothing to ease my apprehension about what I was even doing here. I mean, I hadn't even… I sighed and looked at Tori who waited curiously but knew better than to speak. I wish she didn't. I needed her to talk. I needed her to annoy me right now.

Come on Jade… just spit it out. Tell her that every time you see her smile your insides melt into this nasty gooey puddle. Tell her she is your sunshine. Tell her. "Uh… Tor…um Vega." I stopped next to the monkey bars. I don't know why, but they always helped me think.

"Jade, you pulled me out of my house to talk to me… just spit it out, It isn't like I'm you… what could I possibly do to you to have you this nervous?"

I bristled which I supposed was what I wanted but then I looked in her eyes and my stomach flipped. Oh God. I looked up at the unusually overcast sky. I opened my mouth to speak but instead I Ran and I climbed to the top of the monkey bars and I sat with my back to her.

"Well... alright" Tori sighed and I heard her shuffle her feet. "I guess I'll be going now."

"NO!" I screamed dropping backwards and hanging upside down on the bars facing her. "Tori, please don't go."

She flinched as the rain began to drip onto her head. "Well It's raining, and this whole thing seems to be pointless."

"It isn't… I just-"

"Jade, give me one good reason why I should st-"

"I love you." It just slipped out. I didn't want to go with that. I wanted to test the waters first, I mean… I knew she liked girls. She told me so. I had made sure she did before I would even attempt to ask her out. That was all I wanted to do. I wanted to go out on a real date with her. but what came out of my mouth was. "I need you, I couldn't live with myself If I went off to college and didn't tell you how I felt."

She just stood there in shock and soaked as the rain began to fall harder. My tears blended with the rain onto the floor. But she hadn't moved. I took that as a good sign.

"Don't leave me here dangling." I said still hanging upside down. I was afraid to move, to take my eyes off of her for fear that she might leave.

Her face was expressionless and I just knew I had made a major mistake. Finally after long soaking moments in the rain, she moved closer to me she sank down to her knees and she was in front of me nose to nose. "Finally." She whispered and then she kissed me, Spiderman style in the rain.

Finally… was what she said.

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