▫️Dinosaur Fights▫️

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I'm sitting down in the grass watching the pain and discomfort on Mae's face as Dad wraps some leaves around her wounded torso. Kenji comes over and I look up at him. "Ben's keeping a look out. This'll work. For now." He settles down beside me with Yaz on my other side next to a crestfallen Sammy.

"I'm sorry," the raven haired girl suddenly says and we all look at her. "If you all hadn't stopped me, I'd probably be dead right now. Heck, you might be too." I refrain from nodding in agreement and just continue to gaze at her. At least, she knows she did the wrong thing.

"I'm-I'm sorry." Yaz wraps her arm around her shoulder and pulls her closer. "You facing Kash wasn't about it being the brave thing to do," I begin and she turns to look at me. "It was about whether it was the smart thing to do."

"Easy, Trinny," Yasmina adds when I finish. "If Sammy didn't do what she did, we wouldn't have been there to save Mae."

"Yeah, it worked in our favor this time, but that won't always be the case," I warn her and Sammy places her hand on Yaz's shoulder giving a small smile. "It's okay, Yaz. She's right. The only way for us all to get the answers we want is to play the long game."

"Then that's what we'll do," Darius chimes in and gets to his feet, coming over to us, kneeling down in front of Sammy. He gives her a smile and places his hand on her knee. "Alright, that about does it. But these leaves can only do so much, she's gonna need medical attention soon," Dad explains as he moves away from the unconscious woman.

Sammy moves closer and looks down into her face, full of discomfort. "The leaves I put on her wounds stopped the bleeding, but I don't know how long that's gonna last."

"We gotta do something," she tells my father and he nods in agreement, glancing down at Mae with worry. "Guys! Guys!" We turn as Ben comes racing in out of breath. "Kash had a phone! I saw it. He was talking to someone."

Hope fills my chest at the news. If we can get our hands on that phone then we can call someone to get help and go home! "Then let's get it, call for help, and get out of here," Yasmina says in a low voice and I nod in agreement. Darius rubs his arm with a somber expression as Ben sits down across from Dad with Mae in between them, resting against a boulder.

"But what about the dinosaurs?" I refrain from snapping at this boy in front of me. We can't keep putting everything on hold for this! This entire thing is way too big for just us to handle! We can't fight Kash, BRADs, and killer dinosaurs all at the same time.

And what happens when Kash realizes there's more people on this island and he calls his boss and then they send more people here to deal with the problem? If we don't get out of here then we're fucked! I'm not dying here! Maybe Brooklynn had a point when she said that Darius cares more about dinosaurs than people.

"Now that Mae's injured, if we all leave, who's gonna protect them?"

"Listen to me, moron, if we get out of here then we can go get help. Like, adults. Like, people who are more capable at dealing with Mantah Corp than a group of kids and two adults. But if we stay here and die then no one will be able to help these dinosaurs! I thought you were supposed to be the smart one?" I snap and Sammy places her hand on my shoulder, silently telling me to calm down.

I take a deep breath as Darius stares at me with wide eyes like he's completely bewildered by my behavior and that makes me even more angry. "Darius, look at her, she needs help," Yasmina says, gesturing to Mae who whimpers in her sleep. If he still chooses to help these dinosaurs over Mae I'm mutinying.

"Our only choice is that phone." Mae yelps in pain and Ben places his hand over the leaves wrapped around her waist. "Those leaves aren't exactly sterile. We're running out of time. Let's split up and try to find Kash," Ben suggests and I like that idea.

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