▫️Follow The Leader▫️

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I move back over to the others with Kenji following me. I flinch at all the noses Pierce makes as him and Big Eatie continue to attack each other. "How could we let this happen?" Yasmina asks as Big Eatie roars loudly. I come to a stop and watch sadly as both dinos attempt to leave, but the drones don't let them.

Neither want to be here. "What's going on?" Yaz asks in bewilderment and Sammy looks away from her to the two fighting animals. "Why isn't Darius stopping this?"

"There was a bunch of BRADs. We had to take cover," Kenji begins to explain and they turn to look at us. "We lost sight of Kash," I finish causing Yaz and Ben to share looks with each other. "That means he could be in there with Darius," Sammy states fearfully as the dinosaurs roar at each other.

I watch with helplessness as Pierce slams his tail into Big Eatie's face. They circle each other and Pierce whips his tail against the T-rex causing her to cry out in pain. "What can we do?" Sammy asks in a whisper. "Big Eatie and Pierce are gonna kill each other."

She roars loudly at Pierce and then everyone in the group turns to look at me expectantly and my eyes widen. They expect me to come up with something? I usually just follow Darius' lead. I look up as a drone flies overhead and I remember how they are how Kash herded the dinos here.

If we disable those then Pierce can run and hopefully she won't follow. "The drones are forcing them together. We need to split up. Knock those things out of the sky so Peirce can get away." We split up and race to different spots to get a better angle on those drones.

I stop beside a tree close to the two fighting dinosaurs and listen to Pierce's frightened cries. I narrow my eyes and become determined to put a stop to this disgusting experiment. I quickly climb up to gain the height advantage, breaking off a branch that's long enough to strike that drone down.

I crawl further out and ignore Kenji's noises of concern as I try to keep from slipping. The drone slowly rises up and just hovers for a moment so I move a bit faster before it decides to move closer to Pierce. Once I feel like I'm close enough I sit up and bring the branch down as hard as I could, but end up missing my target.

I feel myself slipping from the branch and whimper in fear, but before I can crash to the ground I feel Kenji grab into my wrist tightly. "Whoa!" I realize just how far up I am and how much it would have hurt if Kenji hadn't caught me. He quickly pulls me towards him and I turn to look at him as he helps me stabilize myself.

"Heh, thanks."

"We are so not trying that again."

"Oh, yeah, we are. We're just gonna be smarter about it. Think you can go up any higher?" I ask him looking up and he groans in frustration. I give him a smile as he huffs and turns to the trunk. "Fine, but don't fall."

"That goes both ways," I call to him as he begins the climb and I return to my previous position. When the drone gets close again I take another swing at it only to miss when it climbs higher. I look up and watch Kenji swing a branch of his own and it connects.

Sending it crashing to the ground and we cheer, despite it only being just one. Let's hope the others are just as lucky. "Yes!" The T-rex stomps her foot down causing the tree to shake. I lose my balance, but thankfully my back meets the tree trunk so I'm safe.

I look up and watch Kenji fall from his branch, grabbing onto the one below it. I gaze up in concern as he attempts to pull himself up only to lose his grip and fall down in front of me. He flails his arms as he begins to fall backwards and I rush forward, grabbing his shirt in my fist and yanking him toward me.

Left Behind •Kenji Kon• Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now