▫️Saving Pierce▫️

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"Guys! Wake up! Mae figured it out!" I open my eyes at the sound of Yasmina's voice and lift my head off the couch's armrest, pushing myself up, Kenji lifts his head off the back off the couch and rubs at his eyes. I take my feet off his lap and set them down on the floor, rubbing at my own eyes as the others wake up too.

Once we're awake we get up and walk over to them. Mae holds a test tube filled with green bubbling liquid. "Okay, after careful analysis of nutriment samples, I've discovered alarmingly high levels of receptor antagonists," Mae says as she hands it off to Brookynn and begin passing it around while she talks.

I hand it to Kenji and he looks down at it. "As well as adrenal additives. These must be the cause of the elevated combative state of the animals who've ingested them."

"Dude, what the heck is she talking about?" Kenji asks looking past me at Darius and Mae groans, standing up with her tablet in hand. "Ugh! The T-rex food's been tampered with. They're adding things that make the dinos more aggressive, and inhibits their ability to feel pain."

"Mantah Corp is the worst," Sammy huffs as she crosses her arms. I'm not a huge fan of dinosaurs, not after this whole experience, but no matter the animal causing them pain for no reason or for others amusement is just plan evil. "Why would they do that?" Darius asks, handing the test tube back to Mae who shrugs.

"I have no idea. But it seems more important than ever to get you kids off the island."

"No argument here," Kenji says before coughing into his hand and clearing his throat. I stare at him and hope he didn't get sick from that swim in the ocean thanks to the stupid Mosasaurus. Which I can't help, but suddenly feel for the people swimming off the coast of Costa Rica.

Not only do people have to worry about sharks, but now there's something bigger, meaner, and a million times more dangerous swimming in the ocean. "You feeling alright?" I ask him and he looks at me, nodding. "Of course, just had a little something in my throat. All good now."

He clears it again and I give him a disbelieving look before focusing back on Brooklynn as she speaks. "Great. Trying to get off yet another island. Any ideas?" Darius holds is chin as he begins pacing only to freeze when Dr. Mae gasps. "The supply plane!"

"Plane?" Dad asks stepping closer to her, looking down at her tablet. "Yes. It comes every two weeks. Only, the next one's not due for another ten days."

"We can't wait that long," Yaz blurts out actually sounding scared and I glance at her in concern. Yasmina may act tough, but I think this whole experience has affected her a lot more than the others. I can't remember the last time I saw her get a restful night's sleep. She's like me. Afraid to sleep and have nightmares.

This entire trip has turned to hell. The only reason we all didn't go completely insane was because we had each other. But if any of us had ended up on Isla Nublar all alone we probably wouldn't have survived at least not mentally. "Maybe we don't have to," Brooklynn's voice draws me from my thoughts and I glance at her.

"Any way to make the plane come sooner?"

"Well, I mean, I suppose it would come if there was some kind of emergency."

"If we stop the dinos from eating that messed up food, Mantah Corp would notice right?" Sammy asks and Darius steps forward, looking like he already has a plan forming in his mind. "Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of the altered T-rex food and get the supply plane to come early!"

Kenji clears his throat and makes a slow down motion with his hand. "Hang on. So, we're just gonna somehow get this supply plane to come? All the while "avoiding" getting eaten by dinosaurs or zapped by killer robots. Then we just sneak onboard, and hope that Mantah Corp doesn't notice eight people on the plane until we're back home?"

Left Behind •Kenji Kon• Camp CretaceousWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt