▫️A Rough Reunion▫️

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Kenji's lips meet mine as he pulls me down by the nape of my neck causing my heart to beat even faster. My eyes close at the sensation and I instinctively kiss back. I hear Darius clear his throat after a few minutes and I pull back, smiling in embarrassment.

Blue hisses softly and I stand up, pulling Kenji to his feet. "Trinity," Darius says and I turn to him, seeing the look in his eyes. He was the one that tried to save me and he must be feeling extremely guilty. I pull Darius towards me, wrapping my arms around him tightly. "It wasn't your fault," I whisper to him and he returns the embrace.

"I'm just glad you're alive. Wait till the others see you." I pull away at that and happiness fills me at the prospect of seeing them after so long. "Well what are we waiting for?"

"Uh, what about her?" Kenji asks apprehensively, pointing towards Blue who taps her sickle shaped claw on the ground. "Oh, I've been with her for so long I'm not sure what I can do. The others probably won't feel safe with her around."

"Wait, has she been with you the entire time you've been alone?"

"Yeah, she saved me from a nasty group of Compies. And has saved me multiple times since then."

"You two have formed a remarkable bond. Kind of like Ben and Bumpy."

"Yeah, but we're not in risk of Bumpy trying to eat us." She snarls in his direction causing Kenji to take a step back. I mover close to her and place my hand on her back in a comforting manner. "If Blue wants to come with its not like I can stop her. And she's getting good at taking commands from me so I'll be sure to keep her in line."

"Fine. Let's bring the deadly killing machine with us. What could possibly go wrong?" I roll my eyes with a small smile on my face. "Let's go," Darius says before taking the lead back towards camp.

Blue sticks close to my side, eyeing the two boys suspiciously and I keep my hand on her back as we walk, telling her it's okay. Besides as long as Blue is well fed she usually won't attack randomly, she's too intelligent for that anyway.

"It's good to have you back, Trinny. I- I missed you," Kenji says matching his stride with mine so we walk side by side. "I could tell," I say teasingly and he rubs the back of his neck. "I missed you too, Kenj." Darius then catches me up with everything that happened when I was separated from the group.

"I can't believe after all that you guys still missed the ferry."

"Yep, the adults left us behind."

"It's not like they had a choice, Kenji. Besides we sent out that emergency beacon and help will come. We just need to continue surviving till then."

"That's become our motto hasn't it? Survive being eaten long enough to get off this Godforsaken Island."

"Couldn't agree more, Trinity," Kenji says and I give him a smile. We walk through the jungle and talking about their latest near death experiences the last 22 days. "Wait a minute," I say after I start recognizing my surroundings. "Are we heading towards camp?"

"Yeah, it was the only safe place we could think of to hole up until help comes," Darius tells me and I watch Blue race from my side after something she spotted in the brush, causing Kenji to yelp in fear. "Easy, rich boy, she's just grabbing lunch."

"Whatever you say, Scarlet," he murmurs slightly embarrassed and my smile grows. I really missed him. I reach over and interlock our hands, stepping closer to him so our shoulders brush against each other. "I'm glad you're safe," he tells me, his voice softer than I've ever heard before.

Left Behind •Kenji Kon• Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now