▫️The Watering Hole▫️

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Soft screeching is what jerked me awake, I open my eyes and see the muddy jungle floor. Pain bursts all over my already aching body and I jolt into an upright position, ignoring my body's scream of protest. I cry out in pain and look to see a swarm of Compies all over me, latching their tiny teeth into my skin, drawing blood.

I scramble to my feet ripping the annoying little bastards off me, ignoring the pain of ripping their fangs out of my flesh. I throw them down to the ground as hard as I can, but they just get back onto their feet. They rush at me and I move backwards almost tripping, but I know I can't fall or they'll be all over me again.

I feel my shoe's heel hit something and turn to see its a large branch. I swipe it up from the ground and start swinging at the Compies. My swings connect with some of them sending them flying, but it does nothing to deter them from chasing me. "Get the hell away from me!" I shout, my voice hoarse and I wonder how long I've been unconscious.

They snarl and are rushing forward again when a loud screech causes them to freeze. I look around in panic as I won't be able to fight off a large carnivore or outrun them in my current condition. A shape launches from the undergrowth and lands in front of me, snarling at the pack of Compies.

They shriek in fear and scatter disappearing as quickly as they came. I see the blue streak going down her side and I realize who it is. "Blue?" She turns to look at me, growling softly and I remember that I'm bleeding from multiple wounds. Blue is a carnivore and we may have some type of bond, but it's in her instincts to attack wounded prey.

I drop down to the ground, knowing I won't be able to outrun her I'm too sore and have almost no energy left in me to flee. "Just get it over with," I wheeze and she chitters softly, stalking towards me. I close my eyes tightly as her snout gets closer to my face and tighten my grip on the branch. Not wanting to see her sharp teeth.

My eyes snap open when I feel her rub the side of her head against my shoulder. "What?" She pulls back and makes gentle noises, I stare at her in awe. "Why-? How-?" She coos and tears fill my eyes at her acceptance of me. "That's the second time you've saved my life, girl. Thank you."

I remember that Velociraptors always travel in packs. "Where are your sisters?" She makes a noise that I interpret as grief and I gaze at her sadly. "I'm sorry you lost them. I lost my pack too." I cough at the scratchiness in my throat and cover it with my hand as Blue growls softly.

"Do you know where I can find some water?" She makes a noise of what I hope is a yes. I don't care if Blue doesn't really understand what I'm saying I just like to think she does. She turns and races away into the jungle. "Wait up!" I jump to my feet and jog after her, trying to catch up.

Finally, I break through the last of the trees and step onto a large open plain. I gasp when I see a large group of dinosaurs gathered around a big water source. I ignore the burning in my legs and take off at a full sprint in Blue's direction as she stands on the edge, lapping up some water.

I come to a stop beside her and gaze around at all the different dinosaurs gathered to drink from the same source of water. "Wow. A watering hole." I spot a carnivore leaning down and drinking, completely ignoring the potential prey surrounding her. I smile at how amazing this is. Darius would go totally mental if he saw this.

I feel a pang in my chest at the memory of the group I was separated from. They probably made it to the ferry and are on their way home already. It was dark when I was separated from them and it looks to be about six or seven o'clock now.

I shake my head and put my hands into the water, cupping the cool liquid in my palms. I bring my hands from the water and lean down drinking it quickly, sighing as it cools my throat. The wind picks up and I feel the air caress the skin on my back.

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