▫️Meeting Blue▫️

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"Aren't you excited to meet your dad for the first time, Trinny?" The eight year old glances up at her grandmother, the one who raised her after her mother died. You'd think she'd be amped up at meeting her father, but all she felt was anxiety. She'd only ever seen her dad in photographs and home movies that her grandmother had kept.

"What if he doesn't like me?"

"What? Trinity that's nonsense! He's going to love you just as much as we do. He's your father." The young girl messes with a strand of light brown hair as they step off the ferry and make their way through the overexcited crowd around them that came to Jurassic World for an entirely different reason.

Trinity makes sure to keep a good grip on her grandmother's hand as they make their way through the crowd. Because of the size of the island and where Owen has set up his house they rented a car and were able to drive to where Owen's bungalow is. Trinity sits quietly in the passenger seat, focusing on the racing of her heart as she watches the scenery pass by.

"You're unusually quiet, Trinny. There's no reason to be afraid. Owen has been wanting to see you for a long time now," Sophie remarks as she turns and according to the GPS is getting closer to where her son is settled down. "I'm just nervous," Trinity says softly gathering her hair to the side of her neck.

Sophie chuckles with amusement before exclaiming quietly. "We're here." She pulls up and presses down on the brake, next to a motorcycle. She puts the car in park and opens the door. Trinity sighs worriedly before opening her door too and quickly moving around the car to her grandma's side.

The door to the bungalow opens and a man with short brown hair and slight facial hair, steps out. He's wearing a navy blue button up shirt, washed out jeans, and boots. "Hey, Mom!"

"Owen!" He walks towards her, but she meets him half way, throwing her arms around her only child. "It's been so long," she says with sadness and Owen tightens his embrace. "I know. Sorry." Eventually he pulls away as Trinity gazes up at him, unsure what to do.

"Hey, Trinity. You've gotten so big." He kneels down a little ways from her, unsure of what to do himself. He's never been really good with kids, it's why he loves animals so much. They're a lot simpler than another human being. "Haven't seen you since you were real little."

"Hi," she says meeker than she meant to and Owen gives her a half smile. Trinity glances around at her surroundings before turning back to her father. "Do you really train dinosaurs?" A full smile appears on Owen's face and he nods. "Some of them."

A tiny smile graces Trinity's face and makes Owen relax slightly. "I'm working on a really special group of animals right now."

"Really? Which ones?"

"First things first. What's your favorite dinosaur?" The ex-marine asks his daughter while his mother looks at their exchange with fondness. "The easy to pronounce one's," the young girl remarks and he chuckles at her attempt at humor. "But I like the T-Rex and the Velociraptor."

"I like your taste, kid. Which is good because that's the dinosaurs I'm training." She immediately perks up with an excited look in her eyes. "Raptors! Really?!"

"Yeah. Want to see?"

"Is that safe?" Sophie asks suddenly with apprehension and her son turns to look at her. "They're only babies right now. Besides we're only going to meet Blue. She's the most gentle and the least aggressive. For now."

"Can I? Can I, please?!" She gazes up at Sophie with a pleading look who rolls her eyes playfully. "Alright. As long as it's safe I have no objections."

"Yes! Thank you!" Owen scoops Trinity into his arms causing her laugh. They make their way towards the nursery paddock that houses Blue, Charlie, Echo, and Delta. Owen chats with Trinity and tries to be brought up to speed on what's going on in her life. Even though Sophie has been calling him almost everyday since she was born.

Once they enter the nursery Owen sets Trinity down and disappears into the next room to get Blue. A few minutes later Owen comes back out and gestures Trinity inside. She follows him into the "playroom" as he humorously calls it. Blue's already running around the room, chittering happily.

"Hey, Blue," Owen greets and she greets him back in her own way. "I want you meet someone very special to me." He and Trinity settle down on the floor, the young girl staring at Blue, completely enraptured. The baby raptor gazes up at Trinity with curious eyes as she's never seen her before.

Blue chitters cautiously before approaching the young child, sniffing at her, and cooing slightly. Trinity slowly reaches her hand out to Blue who flinches away at the sudden movement. Trinny freezes but Blue continues to move closer to her. "Hello, Blue," she says softly as she slowly strokes the top of the raptor's head.

She purrs happily at the petting, rubbing back against her palm. Owen watches the exchange with fondness and gently places his hand on Trinity's back, who doesn't seem to notice. She stares down at Blue as she makes pleased noises.

Trinity never thought she'd be able to see a raptor outside a screen or book and yet here Blue was in front of her. A living breathing being. Tears well up in the girl's eyes and spill down her cheeks. Blue's eyes open and she makes a noise before hopping into the young child's lap, rubbing her snout against her cheek, wiping the tears away.

Trinity laughs lightly and gently places her hand on Blue's back. "You're beautiful, Blue," she whispers and Owen smiles proudly. A few minutes later Owen has to put Blue back. "Bye, Blue." The raptor gazes up at her, calling loudly and Trinity smiles.

Blue follows after Owen as he leads her back to wherever he brought her from. Another few minutes later and he returns, leaving the building with Trinity. "She's quite remarkable, Father," Trinny calls as she zig zags through the grass, having more excitement than when she first got off the boat.

Owen follows her movements, taken aback by the "father" label. It's weird when it's being directed at him, but he concludes that he kinda likes it. "Couldn't agree more," he says with an amused smile as she continues to run about all the way back to the bungalow. Sophie is waiting for them and smiles at their return.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah! You should've seen, Blue. She's so beautiful!" Sophie arches an eyebrow not sure if she'd call killer carnivores beautiful. She checks her watch and sighs. "Well, we should probably go check into our hotel, Trinity."

"Do… do I have to go? I just got here?" She asks, glancing back at her father's direction. "I- I suppose not as long as Owen's okay with it." Sophie looks at her son and he nods. "No problem at all. Though I don't got much in the way of entertainment. All I got is my charming personality."

Trinity chuckles lightly and shakes her head. "I don't care. I'd like to stay if you'll have me."

"Of course, kid. You're welcome anytime." She smiles and Sophie does to. "Alright, then I'll get going and come back tomorrow." Trinity nods and rushes forward to give her grandmother a hug. "Have fun with your dad, sweetheart."

"I will, grandma." They pull apart and Owen and Trinity wave goodbye as she gets into her car and drives away. "I've got some food in the fridge if you're hungry?" 

"Well, I hope you have food in your fridge. That's what it's for." Owen chuckles as he watches her rush into the house, following after her at a slower pace. Maybe being a Dad won't be so bad.

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