▫️However Long It Takes▫️

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We trudge back to the airlock, feeling dejected and tired. The door opens and Mae comes rushing out with Ben and Darius. "The plane left without you? I'm so sorry. I don't understand what's going on here, but you have my word that I'll get you off the island somehow."

"Appreciate it, Dr. Mae," Dad says with a nod and glances in my direction. I never told anyone about my nightmares. Not even Kenji or my dad. It's not like I have them every single time. Sometimes I actually manage to get a decent amount of sleep and others times I don't.

I'm already force to relive it I just can't talk about it right now. "No." My eyes widen and I look right at Darius with disbelief. "We're not leaving. Obviously, this isn't what we wanted. Like, at all. But we can't quit now." Oh, my God, is he serious right now? He's like twelve, how can he be so... I don't even know how to describe it.

"Mantah Corp doesn't care if they're hurting their dinosaurs. And Mae, you can't protect them all on your own. We have to stay and fix this, however long it takes."

We're just a bunch of kids! Yeah, we've been lucky so far. We managed to keep from getting eaten multiple times. We escaped from Wu and his mercenaries which isn't that big of an achievement cause for a scientist that guy is really stupid. And we killed two Scorpios Rexes, but only thanks to an unstable decade old building and Blue distracting them.

If we keep putting everything else above getting home then one day our luck is gonna run out. How long can we go on before one of us actually does end up getting severely hurt or worse dies? Yasmina is already so traumatized that she can barely hear a dinosaur roar without falling apart.

I'm practically tense twenty four seven. If I didn't have Kenji and my dad I'd be completely insane right now. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep unless I had a weapon in my hand. And he's saying we're gonna stay here no matter how long it takes?

That could take years! This place is run by a rich and evil organization. You think they're gonna care we're a bunch of kids when they figure out we're responsible for all the shit Darius is probably cooking up in that head of his? No. The minute they find us they're gonna kill us. And no one will know since the whole world already thinks we died on Nublar.

Darius is gonna get us killed! "Sure. Whatever you say," Yaz says quietly and I shake my head at how stupid this is. I care about these creatures, I do. They're innocent and haven't done anything to deserve what is being done to them. They didn't ask to be brought back from extinction and instead of Hammond asking himself whether or not he should he brought dinosaurs to life.

And now we're dealing with the consequences of his mistakes. And if I'm a monster cause I don't what to die going on a suicide mission that I know we're not gonna win then I guess I'm a monster. "Let's get to work then. We've gotta get Pierce back to the desert biome. And if the plane's gone, that means the new dinosaur food has already been unloaded."

Mae opens the airlock and we follow her. "We'll go check the T-rex area to make sure the BRADs haven't tainted their food," Kenji offers gesturing between us and I stare up at him in surprise. He almost never offers to do this sort of stuff. But I guess it's better than being bossed around by a twelve year old.

I'm starting to have a real problem with this kid. "Y'all. Yaz and I are both wrecked, so we're gonna get some rest, if that's cool."

"Of course," Brooklynn says and I nod in agreement. "Yeah, don't worry about it."

"After you're all done, we'll meet at Mae's and figure out a game plan to protect those dinos," Yaz says and we nod before entering the airlock then going separate ways. We head back to the jungle biome and walk in the direct of the T-rexes feeding platform. "Hey, you okay?"

Left Behind •Kenji Kon• Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now