Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

It was Nesta who snapped, "A life oath? And how did you repay that exactly?"

His gaze turned to my elder sister. Hava was the one who spoke up, "He repaid it."

"If he repaid it, then how in hell's wrath is my twin dead?" Nesta snarled. Hava straightened her broad shoulders. "Do you remember when you all were pinned down near Fort Kalia? Kana was half dead already by then. I remember, I sat by her side for six months while we all thought she was going to die. She summoned Brutius and told him that if he could save you and your soldiers from being slaughtered all debts between them would be settled."

Nesta raised her chin while Hava snarled. "I watched her die in that manor long before she stopped breathing. She hadn't seen you and Elain in eight months when you all showed up the day of her death."

Nesta hissed, "And where were you?"

Hava said flatly, "I was in Vallahan killing six legions of soldiers before they could mount ships and set sail to ally with Hybern."

I froze. Vallahan had allied with Hybern, it was likely that the others had too. I glanced at Hava, "Is Rask coming?"

"I can't answer that." Hava said softly, and showed a small music note on the inside of her wrist. A bargain, a bargain of silence. Then the Banker showed up. He was also in charge of my father's wills and helped organize where all the money went,

"My condolences." He nodded at us. The three remaining Archeron sisters. He cleared his throat and named off a bunch of legal stuff that I didn't understand. Then the banker declared, "I will be reading through things that Lady Kana wrote down, so all of these words are directly from her."

Kana would want us to know the truth, even though she lied to us so many times. The banker cleared his throat, "To Helion, I know that we have not been friends for long. Firstly, Tell Meallan that I will miss him in the next world. He was a great flying companion. To yourself High Lord of Day, I Kana Archeron, leave you the Liber Verorum. The book of truths depicts many stories long forgotten, but the greatness about it is that all of them were once true. I found it in the tomb of the Truthseeker. I hope you have fun with all of your scholars. The pages with red wax on them are the stories, tombs, and treasures I have already found for myself. May the light guide you my friend, let your skies hold no limits."

The banker handed Helion the book, he handled it with great care and set it down on the side table behind him. The banker started again, "Hava my wise, loyal friend, let all who look at you see the light of Day, and those who anger you know the truth of pain. When I first met you, I thought you were the most amazing being I had ever met. Your height has always been a symbol of freedom to me. I leave you the Saber's Tooth. I hope you use the made weapon well, I would trust no one else with this sword than the female who remained strong through watching a friend wither away. As one last request, please take care of my sisters, Even if they hate us for our lies and games now." The Banker handed her the sword. "She also said, 'Hava I also leave you the necklace of Luxious. May it's light always reveal to you the true sight."

The banker rattled off what Kana left to the other Originals, I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to. Finally the Banker said, "Nesta, my twin and half, please forgive me for leaving you so early. I leave to you my sword, Trutina. I also leave to you all of my spies, accounts, facilities, secrets, and a bunch of other stuff I'd prefer to not be said allowed."

The banker handed Nesta, Trutina. I stiffened as the Banker handed Elain a book. "Kana left no words for this book other than, 'For every poison is a remedy, but the best medicine for the strongest wound is time."

The Banker finally gave the Inner Circle a few things. "To Azriel, these have brought me many victories, my only request is that you use them on people deserving of it's fate." The banker handed the Shadowsinger a sealed box. Az opened it carefully to find hundreds of tiny, clear vials, full of a clear liquid. He asked near silent, "What are they?"

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