Chapter Seventeen: Advantage

Start from the beginning

I looked over her shoulder, and watched her open a video call with Pluto, who picked up. "Val? Did you find her?" they asked. I could see Olivia and Hayley in the background.

"More like she found us," Beatrix replied, leaning so far back in her chair that I was afraid it would topple over.

"Hey!" I heard Sean say as he entered the frame. "We're parked behind some trees-"

"Tell us later," I said. "There's something you need to hear."

They grew silent, and Valerie pointed the screen towards Evianna so they could see her. "Tell them," she said firmly.

Evianna rolled her eyes. "Relax, blondie. You think I won't call the guards on you if I have to?"

"You think I won't kill them?" I demanded. Beatrix grinned.

She raised her eyebrows, looking at me with an expression that was almost impressed. "Fine." She turned back towards the camera, and started talking. "Okay, so you know how I told you guys that my parents suck and I'm supposed to be living with my uncle?" She waited for them to nod, then continued. "Well what I didn't tell you, is that he sucked too. Also, he's friends with Thomas."

"Sounds more like Thomas is his plug," I commented. "I guess he was playing the long game in killing your uncle."

Evianna glared at me, face flushing with rage. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. He didn't know it was going to mess up my uncle so much."

This all caused an uproar through the phone. "You know Thomas?" Olivia said, sounding horrified.

"And you didn't say anything?" Sean said in disbelief.

"He's kind of a family friend, as it turns out," Evianna continued, ignoring them. "Thomas loves his test subjects."

"That's so fucked up," Valerie said in disbelief. "You're helping him after what he did to your family?"

Evianna shrugged. "It is what it is, I guess. If anything, Thomas is my only family. He was bringing me food and stuff like that, before I started living with Pluto and Olivia," she continued. "Sometimes he would drink with my uncle. And when he got drunk, he talked."

"Did he tell you about the powers?" I asked.

"He told me all the bad things he did, the good intentions he'd originally had before power and money took over. And he told me how he was gonna save the country by turning a bunch of children into government weapons. And his plans to sell some of you to other counties," she  said.

"That's so fucked up," Valerie repeated.

"So what, are you a spy, or something?" I demanded.

"I met him years before any of us met you, how could I be a spy?" she asked, which was fair enough. "He was thrilled when we befriended you, though. It was so convenient for him."

"You know he's manipulating you, right?" Beatrix said. "He doesn't care about you, he's just using you."

"Oh shut up Beatrix!" Evianna spat. "Who the hell are you to talk about manipulation? Like you haven't been feeding your own agenda this entire time! You're a double agent!"

"You're a dumb cunt!" Beatrix shot back, since she wasn't really able to argue against that.

Evianna turned back to us, and started talking again in a calmer tone, even as rage still simmered in her eyes. "I went back to my uncle's house a few weeks ago," she said. "I had stuff there I wanted to pick up. There's an old well behind the house. I suspect you'll find a body in it, if you were to search it." We all went into a shocked silence. She laughed at the looks on our faces. "I didn't murder him. He attacked me, I just fought back. It was him or me."

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