Let it out

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This chapter is dedicated to Obey_Lalai for being generous with kisses (votes). Beautybyfire me too but let's see what you think about Jamal in this chapter 😘. I hope you're all loving this story?

Jamal sits in his dad's office, now his office making phone calls with papers scattered all over the table as Becky steps in.

"Can I talk to you?" She says.

"I'm busy right now Becky" he says and mouths "sorry about that" to the other party in the phone.

"What I have to say I assure you is definitely more important than whatever you are doing" Becky says stepping up to stand next to his desk. She picks up a remote and presses it.

"Becky I said not now!" Jamal screams.

At that exact moment the TV blasts.

"Breaking news. Reports are just coming in stating that Empire artists Tiana, Elle, snoop and more might be leaving Empire records with the news of Lucious Lyon's recent arrest" says the female reporter.

"What?!" Jamal screams dropping the phone.

"Finally got your attention" Becky says as she walks out and throws the remote to Jamal.

"You know my extension when you need me" she says as she struts out.

"Yes Catherine, it seems the Empire records have a huge trial headed their way as they've faced various troubles but non this serious" the reporter continues.
Jamal shuts the TV.

Jamal picks up his phone and dials the extension.

"Becky I need you to get everyone in the conference room" Jamal says.

"They're waiting for you there. I called them a while back" she replies.

"I love you, you know that right?" Jamal says as he drops the phone. grabs a pad and walks out.

Becky meets him outside the room and ushers him in.

As soon as he walks in he says

A man in a round glass speaks.

"Well since your father is currently being investigated and held by the Feds, the artists are shaken."

"I believe I know that or we won't be here" Jamal says.

"The thing is this Jamal it's affecting our standing in the stock market. We need to let these artists know that even if Lucious is not here or affected by such a huge scandal no harm will come to them." A young black man says.

"And the investors?" Jamal asks.

"They've been calling non stop. Where is Andre? He'll know what to do. This isn't his first time dealing with a crisis." the man says.

"And it's mine," Jamal says nodding. He gets up.

"I want you all to stay here and start making phone calls do everything to convince the artists that they're safe. We are not without a leader. My dad handed this company to me and I will make sure everyone is safe. Empire's face trials, some crumble. But the Lyon Empire thrives stronger with every trial that comes our way. This Empire is unstoppable."

He walks out as everyone gets busy with calls. Becky walks beside him.

"Where's Andre Becky?" Jamal asks.

"No idea, we haven't seen him since your dads dilemma." Becky replies.

Jamal steps into the elevator.

"Find Andre" Jamal says as the door shuts.

Rhonda opens the door to Jamal standing out.

"Hey Jamal, I see you came to congratulate us" she says.

"Congratulate you? Is there something worth congratulating?" Jamal says looking confused.

"You are not here to congratulate us on our child?" Rhonda says confused.

"What child?" Jamal says. then he gets it.

"You're pregnant?!" He says in a slightly accusatory tone.

"Well that seemed quite ecstatic thank you Jamal" Rhonda says walking behind the kitchen counter.

Jamal shakes his head.

"Uhm congrats, I'll just be leaving please tell Andre to call me" he says as he quickly rushes out not awaiting a reply.

Once outside the door he falls to the steps resigned and places a hand on his heart. he stands up and starts walking. Flashes of Lola keep coming to his mind as tears start falling.

"I'm in love with L-O-L-A..." he stops and chokes.People on the street give him weird looks but continue on their business.

He keeps walking with no specific destination in mind, remembering his dad confessing to being Lola's dad.

"I keep moving
Even when I know it was worthless
I tried hard for you I wanted to show you you could trust me
I showed you love
But you chose to stab my heart
You did this to me
And now the train has left

I keep walking
But people keep on walking
It hurts when those you trust treat your heart like its a punching bag
It kills you slowly when you realize you wasted time

Time and time I chose to believe in you.
I stood by you when no one else would
Time and time you keep tossing me into the trashcan
Oh what did I do
Oh what did you do
Why is it so hard
To be truthful
Why is it so hard to be the real you in a world filled with lions

Oh I keep walking
But people keep on walking
It hurts when those you trust treat your heart like its a punching bag
It kills you slowly when you realized you wasted time.

All I did was choose to believe in you
But all you did was choose to throw me into trash once more.
Oh why is it so hard to be the real you in a world...

He falls on his knees in front of a trash can holds the handle and screams his heart out.

Oooo Lord never again again Father! I knew where I wanted to go with this chapter but Jamal is so hard to get into his head! I had to take days to get bits off it and for me if I can't get one line the other lines don't matter.
Newyorkgirllll unlocked this chapter but locked it back by commenting the same thing twice 😂.
I hope you all loved this chapter? I realized I hadn't put any music into this which empire is largely about so I had to put the song in and now I'm all emotional and I want to cry 😭😭😭.

What did you all do for Easter?! Pray feel free to share and share kisses(votes) and hugs (comments). Love you all and OMG over 2000reads !!!!!! #fansselfvigorously!!! Genuine question do please answer as I'm curious. How did you find this book? Did you search for empire fanfic? like how? Please do share 😘😘😘


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