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This chapter is dedicated to hotvampiregirl101 for sharing Kisses (votes) with me, hope you have a blast with this chapter 😘. Girlinpurple3 OMG you cried? Sending fluffy warm hugs your way! Happy empire Wednesday lovelies. I am glad you are enjoying this!
~D 😘

The black curly haired middle aged lady who met Lucious sits in a large glass walled office. A spectacled black young man sitting in front of her with papers on her desk as she looks over them. There's a l shaped black and white leopard print couch by the side of the door. A floor pot stands to her far left and a mini fridge stands in the right hand corner that's designed like a Caribbean island hotel. It has a mini fake beach, sets of towels and a over the counter bar.

The Asian man that met with Lucious rushes in.

"I found her" he says.

She slowly covers the file she is looking at and rests her back on her chair closes her eyes as a smirk comes on her face. She rises up and the black guy in a black suit hurriedly gets up and places his hand on his coat button.

"Where?" She asks as she turns and the Asian man rushes to her cloth hanger next to her and grabs her red coat with black zips stylishly placed on the sides.

"London" he says as she puts her hands out and he places it on her.

"She didn't move" she says as she pauses.

"As I expected" the Asian replies.

"What flight?" She asks.

"Next hour" he replies. She nods and turns to the black man in front of her desk.

"I'll see you when I return" she says

Without waiting for a reply she walks out with the Asian man behind her holding her bag.


The black curly haired woman stands in front of a rundown building in downtown London with her black Versace shades on. The Asian stands beside her as they both look at the building.

"Want me to come up?" He asks.

"No," she replies as she walks into the building.

The steps look old and worn out as she climbs to the second floor and approaches room 201. A man with a cigarette in his hand and his pants down is thrown out of a room as a lady screams.

"You no pay you get out!"

He stops in front of the woman and looks at her. He reeks of alcohol.

"The way..." she says as she pauses to take of her shades "is to my side drunk man" she says.

He makes to raise his hand as she raises her left hand and holds it while stepping on his toes with her heels, her right hand holding onto her shades. His scream rings out as the lady that through him out shout through the door

"I call the cops if you don't leave!"

The black Curly haired woman removes her foot and pushes him to the other side of her.

"That way boo" she says and keeps walking as the guy scrambles out in fear.
She stands in front of 201's door and she knocks on it.

"Coming" an accented female voice calls out.

She smirks.

The door opens as a lady wraps a towel around her head and then raises it.

"Hello Cammila" The black curly haired lady says.

It's been forever right? No one technically unlocked this chapter so I was free to be lazy. I missed a class and got told by my professor that I won't be getting the 50 points and the girl in my group who didn't do anything gets to present all my research and hard work!!! I've been so mad and sad and disappointed but I'm better now 😊.

Ok who in the name of who is this lady?! Like goodness woman reveal yourself! What's she up to? She could have made that man bleed!!! #Shivers.
So many questions... I miss Jamal 😭 I should make the next chapter about him. Maybe I will who knows? Not even I know lol. Love you all 😘
Next update? You know the drill lol.
Feel free to share kisses(votes) and hugs (comments). Was anyone fooled today? Pray do share 😀

~D 😘

The LyonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora