Hate brings us together

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This chapter is dedicated to BrianaChaney12 for being my second follower! #legitscreams!!! Thank you!!! And thank you everyone for sticking with me /being generous with your hugs(comments) and kisses(votes)

"Andre open the damn door!" Cookie screams as she bangs on the door.

"Not till you two figure out your problems" Andre says.

Cookie glares at Anika who smirks.

"Andre baby there's nothing wrong between us" Cookie says as Anika coughs.

"We both know that a great lie" Anika replies heading to her previous seat.

"Mum please can you just make an effort to do this for us? If you both don't figure this out, our plans might be ruined" Andre says through the door.

"Please mum do this for us" Hakeem resounds.

Cookie walks away and grabs a bottle of wine. Anika flinches but pretends nothing happened. Cookie who noticed smiles. She pours herself a drink and sighs. She takes a gulp and mutters,


she turns to Anika.

"Just so we are both clear, I am the head cheerleader of team I can't stand Booboo kitty" cookie says walking to a sit.

"The feeling is mutual" Anika replies.

"You know Lucious asked me to marry him?" Cookie says smirking.

"After which he kicked you out of his empire" Anika replies grinning.

"I see your now know how to speak English" cookie says smiling in remembrance of when she told on Anika to Lucious and she couldn't speak.

"Cookie I don't have time for your childishness" Anika says getting up to head to the door.

"I'm sorry" cookie says.

"What?" Anika says halting.

"I said I'm sorry not for taking back Lucious as I know I did you a hell of a favor. Lucious would have totally ruined you or killed your cousin as he did mine" Cookie says sitting down and shutting her eyes while taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry you ever had the misfortune of meeting The devil called Lucious" cookie says.

Anika feels conflicted.

"You know he used us both right?" Anika says.

Cookie nods.

Anika walks back.

"Do you still love him?" She asks looking for answers in cookies face.

"Cookie..." Anika starts.

"He killed my cousin" cookie says.

"That still doesn't answer the question.
I need to know cookie, do you still love him?"

"He is the father of my 3 handsome boys. He sent me to prison for 17 years without ever looking back. He divorced me while I was behind bars. He killed my cousin. He toyed with my feelings. He changed Jamal. I hate that knowing all these he may have the power to mess with my emotions. Do I still love him? Oh boy do I love him. My love to bring him crawling to his knees is so unimaginably strong you have no idea what I will do to see its fulfillment." cookie pauses and gets up as she approaches Anika and looks her in the eye.

"The question is this Boo boo kitty, Do you still love Lucious?" Cookie says

"I'm hurt and seeking vengeance right now but I do" Anika says honestly.

Cookie nods in understanding.

"Let's bring him down together. Invest all our anger and pain into fulfilling this dream but whoever reaches the point of forgiveness first needs to let the other know" Cookie says

"Fair enough" Anika replies.

"Know this, the day you decide to join Lucious or play me, you'll curse the day Lucious ever approached you" cookie says walking to the door and hitting it.

"Same here" Anika replies determined.

"Open the damn door Andre, I and Anika are ready" Cookie says.
The door opens to the open arms and smiling faces of Andrw and Hakeem. Cookie goes in and they all hug. Hakeem stretches a hand to Anika and she reaches out as they squeeze hands and smile.


Woohoooo! Early update! What do you all think? Is this going to work? Are they all really cool? Cookie almost made me shed a tear at what a sweet mum she is. She did this for just her sons. 😭
I feel for Jamal I keep writing his chapter but the others keep interrupting 😂😂😂 #icant lol.
Feel free to share hugs(comments) and kisses(votes)
Next update when it's unlocked or when I feel inspired lol
Love you all

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