The Assembly

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The band has just finished playing. Thank goodness. They sound squeaky and like something is missing. They sound so bad that I am embarrassed for them. The only thing that sounds worse is the chorus. I whisper to Carson in my most disgusted voice, "They are killing my ears."

Carson looks at me and in his usual non-judgemental whisper says, "Give them a break, Mia. It is hard to get up in front of people."

That's what I love most about Carson - he is kind, even when nobody is looking but me.


I am excited to see Miss Bennett. But, I am nervous too. Principal G has asked me and Timmy to walk out with Miss Bennett today to help escort her. I have heard she is not doing well. Miss Bennett has been going to chemotherapy, and she has lost all her hair. Teachers who have seen her say that she is wearing a hat wherever she goes. I heard them talking. The teachers said Miss Bennett is worried about her bald head.

It was Timmy's idea. He said that we must support Miss Bennett in all ways. We must show our empathy for others.

We meet in the bathroom before the assembly so we can keep our secret. I am just about to cut Timmy's hair when Brett comes in the bathroom.

"What on earth are you doing to Timmy?" he asks. "I will punch you in the face if you are hurting him. Wait a minute. Are you going to cut his hair?"


Brett is confused. He forgot that Josh is my best friend so I say, "Josh is my best friend. He would never hurt me. He is cutting my hair, and then we are going to cut his too."

"Why?" asks Brett.

"Do not worry. It is not because we have lice or bedbugs. It is because Miss Bennett is sick, and she had medicine, and her hair fell out."


I tell him because he is not understanding. "We support Miss Bennett. We love her."

Then Josh adds because Brett is looking like he still don't get it. "Miss Bennett is embarrassed about her hair. We want to show our support for her. Show our support for all she has been through." And then he adds, "We love Miss Bennett. She has done a lot for us. She tried to help you too. You should understand."


All I can say is, "She did try to help me. I was just too stupid to listen." And then I take the scissors from Josh's hand and say, "You are messing it all up.I have my cast off now. Let me help."

When we are finished with the scissors and the trimmer, Josh and Timmy look about as stupid as I thought they would, but they do not let that stop them. I follow them to the assembly where I leave them waiting outside to escort Miss Bennett. I go take my seat beside the rest of The Round Table in the front row of the stage.

After the band plays, not quite as out of tune as usual, Principal G introduces Miss Bennett. She has her head covered by a scarf, but you can tell there is no hair underneath. But, nobody is paying attention to her hair. Miss Bennett is escorted in by two bald boys that people do not recognize immediately. Then there is a gasp from Maddie, and I hear students in the audience start to murmur and point and say "Josh" and "Timmy". By the time they reach the microphone, students are talking and giggling so loud that Principal G has to raise his hand to get them quiet. They do not get quiet in one-two-three like he expects. He says, "Quiet", but kids are still laughing and pointing.

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